Aubree is our handful child! She is everywhere all the time, and its not just the stage where she is at. She is climbing on everything, jumping off everything and sometimes landing on the hard ground. She talks a lot and is very motherly. She still has her binky but we are planning to get rid of it after Christmas. She absolutely LOVES juice! She now has 8 teeth.. the top four and a top molar, and three on the bottom. She learned how to put shoes on this month and will always have at least one shoe on in the house. She hates socks and will tear them off if there are no shoes to stop her. She is an awesome night time sleeper and doesn't even wake when big brother turns on the lights and plays trains at 11pm. She loves baby dolls and loves to play with them, give them binkys, juice, sunglasses, and blankets. She also loves to play cars with her big brother. She is not a cuddler, I very rarely get any cuddles. You can never tell if she is sick which is a change from big brother. She loves candy, bananas, cheese, yogurt, cereal, juice, muffins, and any cookies. She is such a doll and she loves to say hi to people. She also insists on saying "Dank Do" (thank you) whenever you give her anything, and she wont stop saying it until you say you are welcome. She also says "Bless" when you sneeze. She loves to dance and attempt to jump. She looks up to her big brother and they can play so cute together sometimes. All in all, my kiddos are wonderful and we love them to pieces! Here are a few pictures of the month.. most have already been pictured from Halloween events.

1 comment:
I love the picture of her planking. How funny is that.
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