Our little Aubree is growing up so fast! She is such a funny, goofy girl who definitely has a mind of her own. She is quite the character! She is a bossy little thing but also is extremely caring and is always concerned if someone else is crying. She does throw her handful of fits and I can usually get her to stop if I pretend to cry.. then she stops and starts to rub my face.. its cute. She started to go to nursery at church but hasn't quite adjusted to it yet. She loves her Daddy and loves when he comes home from work. She is a great sleeper and doesnt make much of a fuss to go to bed. She is starting to be a picky eater and doesnt eat much unless we are talking about candy and then she is a candy monster!! This month we decided to take away the binky! We wanted to take it away when she turned one but we had some flights that we wanted her to have that comfort.. so this was the month. We took it away and she amazingly did fabulous.. a few sad moments here and there but no lost sleep or bad days. We are excited she is starting to be a big girl! We will also be moving her to a toddler bed soon to get her adjusted before Baby #3 is born.
She loves horses, balls, candy, juice, phones, and purses. She loves to chat random things and is starting to learn shapes. She also loves to sing Twinkle Twinkle little star and loves the Roar song by Katy Perry.
On New Years Eve looking at the Temple lights.
The day we got rid of the binky.. silly kid!
She decided to stack Daddy's pop while waiting for dinner! I was quite impressed.
Gotta love the basket pictures!
She thought Cousin Makayla's crown was sunglasses.. too funny.
Just hanging out at lunch.
First snow day of the year.. she didnt love it.
She fell asleep with a balloon on Christmas eve.. just made me giggle all jammed up in the corner with a balloon.
One of her favorite people Aunt Megan.
Aubree and her Cousin Leah (1.5 yrs apart) They seem to have become quite the friends!
Caught her one day with our business laptop.. she managed to pick it up from the table, put it on her lap and open it up. She was quite proud!
Cant see it too well but she has cookie ALL OVER!!
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