Aubree at 20 months old was quite the handful! She is becoming very independent and doesnt like people to help her with anything. She puts her own shoes on but has been doing that for months, she tries to dress herself and she often puts on Korbins underwear that she steals from his drawer. She is a mini-mommy and is always concerned if someone is hurt or sad and will always help if someone needs help (or try to help). She absolutely loves her baby dolls and loves to give them naps in her bed. She always tells me "sshh.. baby s-eepin". Its cute and a little scary at the same time.. she is going to want to be a big helper once lil sis is here. She loves playing outside and loves getting on bikes, it is still cold outside so she often gets sad because we cant go out and play. She is a little OCD and has to have everything her way, if something is in the wrong spot she will make sure it put away correctly. Her and Korbin are really good friends (most of the time) and have such a blast playing with each other. She is a dare devil and if she see's Korbin do it, she will try it. She loves her fruit snacks as well as ALL candy. Another thing she has just started to become obsessed with is the tv show "Umizoomi." Obsessed is an understatement. I think we watch this show at least 10 times a day. She also has started showing interest in the Ipad now.
This little girl is super silly and such a good helper. We look forward to watching her grow and watching her become a good big sister.
She had to sit in the laundry basket to eat her applesauce.
My cute kids at church.
Kids being silly.
Bath time!
She seems to think that under her shirt is a hidden pocket. We always find stuff in her shirt later in the day.
I ask her to smile, she does this..
Then I eventually get the real smile out of her.
Watching Mickey Mouse on the Ipod.
This is how she watches Umizoomi.. or she will be standing 3 inches away from it.
Another "smile" picture. haha
She had this fabulous idea of sticking a straw in an applesauce to go and thought it was super funny..which it was.
The waterfall hair!
She loves making messes.
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