She finally got all four of her molars in. The bottom two were really bad and she had a rough time with them. She now has 12 teeth total. She is continuing her independence and now wont let us help her with anything (which is very time consuming!). She loves any and all shoes and its a rarity if you see her without some type of shoe on. She is obsessed with juice. She loves to play everywhere she isn't supposed to like the toilet and the fridge. I have found her many times with eggs and egg shells in her mouth. She isn't too picky of an eater but definitely chooses when she wants to eat. She loves her daddy and tends to be a better cuddler with him then anyone else. She has a blast with her big brother and copies everything he does. She is very attached to Korbin (Dabin..is what she calls him). She still is obsessed with Umizoomi and we watch it all the time. She is starting to learn a lot of things, she knows a lot of animals and their sounds, she is starting to know colors like Pink and yellow and blue and she is learning how to count, say her ABC's and sing Twinkle Twinkle little star. She is also obsessed with purses and baby dolls, in fact her toddler bed is full of baby dolls and she has to have all of them in bed with her or she wont sleep. Luckily she will be moving into a bigger bed in a few months and there will be plenty of room for her babies. She is a blast to spend time with and is so goofy, but she definitely keeps us busy.
She loves to play with her food. This is a breadstick that she is using as her finger.
Her first night in the big bed!
Her molar that was coming through, it was extremely sore and bled a lot. Ouch!
Might as well put Little people in our mouth!
Aubree's face just makes me giggle. I love these two adorable kids!!
Just a glimpse of her baby dolls.. she now has 2 more babies and a Minnie Mouse to add to the pile.
Umizoomi.. this is how she usually watches it.
Being her silly self!
I love being able to do her hair different ways now! So cute in a high pony tail!
This is what happens when Daddy is in charge, stripes, hearts, polka dots, and hair in face. Oh and she put the shoes on herself.
My cute girl
I just love pictures of sleeping kids! She looks so comfy!
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