Monday, August 12, 2013

Aubree at 14 months old

Aubree, Aubree, Aubree.. boy is she a handful! I always thought I had a crazy boy on my hands, but he is NOTHING compared to Aubree! She gets into EVERYTHING! Has to do everything herself, doesn't want to be left out of anything, thinks she is 5 yrs old, can climb like a mountain goat, and pesters her brother to no end. She is also quite the drama queen. She loves to flop on her belly when she doesn't get her way. She calls me "dada" and Steven "momma".. I think she does it just to be a terd! haha  She is a good little talker.. she just started saying Please and thank you this past week or two.. her please sounds more like "Bleep", quite funny. And her thank you sounds more like "dan du".. cute! She finally got her third (yes third) tooth to pop through.. it's her top left tooth. I see 3 other teeth just hanging around the gum line that should pop through anytime now. She absolutely loves baths and always wants a bath, she loves dirt and rocks and loves to eat anything she can find.. eatable or not. She has recently become very attached to her binky, blanket, and doll. She loves to share as long as you give it right back to her. And she looks up to Korbin like he is her hero. She is a mommy's girl.
 She is a good sleeper at night, very very rarely wakes up.  Her naps are okay, but nothing compared to her big brother that can nap for 5 hrs. Her naps are usually 2-2 1/2 hrs. Which is still good. She can sing parts of twinkle twinkle and loves to brush her teeth.
She is such a funny girl. We love her so much and really cant picture a life without both kids. They are such a blessing.
Mommy and Bree at City Creek
I look away for one second and she is climbing up on the tramp!

And then I look away for another second and she is jumping in the pool, fully clothed
Feeding herself
Getting on top of the dishwasher to "help"

Not a good picture, but its showing her top tooth popping through.

 Mall toys
 They love to give each other hugs. Cute kids!
 Just walking around like she owns the place!
 A rare picture in our household.. Korb refuses to nap in cars, this was a good day!

 Her swim floatie.. haha
 Dragging her blanky around the campground. Oh joy!
 If one does it, the other has to do it. Silly kids.
Might as well climb on top of the table and finish off Korbin's spaghetti! Naughty girl!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Park City

Well.. I don't have many pictures this year of Park City, but I always gotta blog about it. This year, just like all the past years, we went up to Park City for a few nights with my family. Every year it is such a great time and this year was no different. We always stay in the same condo, do the same thing, and yet it never gets old. This condo we stay at is just fantastic! It has one master room which we are lucky enough to get that has a walk in closet where Aubree sleeps (haha), there is another room with two twin beds where Korbin and Casey slept, a living room, kitchen, deck, then a loft up stairs with a queen, twin, sofa bed, and bathroom. So it is plenty big for us. This year we decided to stay an extra day which was great! We did some good shopping, bought me some fabulous new shoes! Ate some good food, played games, swam, watched some sports, and just hung out. It was such a great time and it was really relaxing.
We had to ride the helicopter, horse, and dump truck.. Aubree had this grin every time!


 Going swimmin
 Korb with his favorite person in the whole world.. walking to the pool.

 This girl is crazy!! That is all I have to say.
Hanging out in the hot tub.
 I may want this tub one day.. its fabulous!
Playing games.. not a good picture, but you get the idea.

Rounds Camping 2013

For our Rounds camping this year we decided to go up to Monte Cristo. This was our first real time pulling the tent trailer with our van. We have wanted to numerous times but we had issues with our wires and such, which resulted in someone else pulling it for us. This time we pulled it ourselves and we are proud to say the van did great!
 Steven and I got to Monte last Thursday night while others got there earlier in the day (we had to work). Dan and Casandra (Steven's sis) got there Fri evening. And then left Monday morning/afternoon.
 This camping trip was such a good time. We reserved the group camp site which had tons and tons of tables and plenty of space to put tents, or cars, or trailers.. the kids got to wonder around and explore and we also had plenty of room to play catch, horse shoes, bolo or anything else we wanted. Most days consisted of sitting around back and forth from the sun to the shade, talking, taking care of all the kids, eating, eating some more, and more eating. The evenings were more where we played games, sat around the fire, and ate more junk food. There was also this awesome little "House" that someone carved out of a stump. This was pretty much the coolest thing for the kids, they were entertained for days!
 The first night we got to watch a lightning storm from the next mountain over, and it was really awesome! And you cant forget about my kids having some potty issues.. they each pooped AT LEAST 6 times each day, which for us, is extremely crazy! So we were constantly changing diapers and underwear and had one diaper left on the way home. Oh.. and we cant forget that Steven and I may have forgotten our trailer key so in the dark the whole gang helped us pull the door out with pliers and muscles. Haha.. the one thing we forgot. Smart stuff there!
 But, it was such a fun trip.. It was very relaxing, the kids for the most part entertained themselves and absolutely LOVED not only being in the dirt but playing with the cousins. Our tent trailer was great as always, and it is always nice to spend time with the family.
 Our last night there we saw a huge Moose! It was pretty awesome! It basically walked around the outside of our campground and ran up the hill. We also saw a deer and had many friendly birds and squirrels who wondered around our campsite most the days.
Aubree got FILTHY!!
 Bailey playing with Aubree on/in the house
 The sunset as Steven and I were driving up.
 I took Korb, Makayla, and Aubree on a walk. These two had to pose on a rock!
 Everyone called her a troll this day.
 Just roastin marshmallows with Dad

 Korbin and Leah sharing a seat while watching the adults play horse shoes.
 Aubree and Daxton saying hi!

 The horse shoe pit.

 Aubree in Korbs chair.. his chair was a big hit!

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