Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My kids!

Lately my posts have been about Casidy and I haven't been focusing much on the other two so I wanted to do a quick blog on their happenings lately.
 Korbin started preschool and soccer this past month. He enjoys preschool and I have already noticed a change with him. He enjoys doing homework and working on writing his letters and he is more aware of his surroundings. He has fun meeting his friends at school and seems to enjoy his teachers. As for soccer, well he just loves it. In fact, he loves it soo much that sometimes it's all he can talk about. He talks about it all week and once Saturday comes then he wants to wake up and go play right that minute. Its cute, and just plain awesome! His first game was soo much fun, I was about the proudest mom ever! He spent the night before throwing up and being sick but he insisted on playing soccer the next morning. He ended up scoring the first goal of his first game of the first season. He was soo cute!! He scored two goals that game but then started feeling sick again and wanted to go home. The second game he was on cloud 9. He was sooo excited to play and it didn't help that Grandma and Papa Shaw were there to watch. He was so excited they were there that he couldn't concentrate on the game itself. It was so funny. He ended up scoring a goal but he was definitely a little sidetracked that week. He loves talking about cruises, loves playing mario and other games on the wii and ipad. He adores his dad and often cries during the day because he misses him. He loves his "friends" or as we know them.. cousins. This kid is the sweetest and we love him!
 Aubree is our wild child. Of course she is two so that helps the issue. She keeps us on our feet at all times. She has been working on being potty trained since May, since she decided she would not wear diapers anymore. She does well for the most part but we are still working on it. She is obsessed with Umizoomi and we have to watch it about 23 times a day.. She is good at getting things herself and always wants to "help". She is concerned when anyone is hurt and she has a sharp memory, she doesn't let you forget anything. She is loud and fun and also a daredevil. She enjoys coloring especially on anything that isn't paper. She is a terrible napper but sleeps great at night and she loves her juice.
I cant believe how grown up my kids are. I often look at them and think how they are even mine! Time has gone so fast its hard to believe. I love being their mom!

Casidy @ 4 months old

Length: 25.5 in (90%)
Weight: 13.15 lbs (60%)
Head: 25%

This girl just spoils us to pieces! Not only is she adorable and I wanna snuggle her all day, but she continues to be the best and easiest baby we have had. She LOVES to sleep and when she is up she is usually happy to lay around. This month we started putting cereal in her bottle because she spits up A LOT! She loves the cereal. She still eats 4 oz every 3-4 hrs. She is an amazing sleeper, we put her to bed around 9pm and she wakes up between 8-10am. Everyday when I go get her she is either on her side or on her belly. She learned how to roll from her back to her belly this month and is now a crazy roller! She also loves to babble and is taking after her older siblings and babbles so loud we cant hear each other talk. She has a smile that melts my heart and her giggle is to die for. She is now wearing 3-6 month clothing and size 1 diaper. She is our little runt! She is good at holding her head up and pushing off her feet. She will smile at anyone that pays attention to her and she is a great cuddler.
On a side note: her hemangioma is still on her lip and seems to be about the same size this month. She had a steroid injection but it didnt seem to help. She will go back in a few weeks again. We also noticed that she has another one on her chin and I have been putting the drops on it that we tried for her lip. Hopefully we can get rid of these buggers so she can be hemangioma free!

 She started noticing her tongue more this month.

 My side sleeper
Save me Mom!!
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