Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Korbin @ 5 months

Okay, First of all I wanted to post my pictures that we got taken for our Christmas cards.  We spent the night with my family in SLC and got some fun pictures at the Joseph Smith Building. My wonderful sister took the pictures as always and did a fabulous job! Thanks sister, you are amazing!

So Korb is now 5 months old! Oh how crazy time goes by when you have little ones!! He is such a little character already! I love that his personality is coming out! As of today he can finally roll from back to front, and front to back.  He could roll from back to front for a few weeks now, but just today he decided he wanted to roll front to back. It was funny because he did it so easily. Anyway, it is very exciting and I am glad he is now a rolly polly!

I watch Makayla every morning. Chunky Monkeys!

He loves his cousins! Makayla, Leah, and Korbin

He loves his mommy and daddy.

He visited Santa a few weeks ago and did surprisingly well. He asked for some loud obnoxius toys! ;)

He is such a happy baby! He LOVES to smile and smiles all the time. I love his big smile. He doesn't laugh much, actually I think I have heard him laugh maybe 4 times, but he does love to smile.

This is how the little rascal sleeps. One arm up and one over his eyes.

I put this on so you could see his chunkiness!

He can now hold his bottle and loves to do it all on his own.

Korb with his favorite toy "Donivan". This is a teether thingy and he absolutely LOVES it!!

Love this picture! He is always putting his hand on his head, silly boy!
He is growing up soo fast! He loves to stand and is always getting better at that. I think if his arms were stronger he would be able to just stand against something for a long time. He is a very good sleeper. Still sleeps about 12 hrs at night and then takes one or two 3 hr naps during the day. He is a good nap taker and can easily take a nap anywhere we go. We put him down for a nap at Ryan and Rachel's house (Steven's bro) and their daughter Kyla was helping me..I put him on the ground and she was so concerned that he was sleeping on the ground, she kept saying.."the ground isn't comfortable!" Anyway, he sleeps anywhere and can sleep through about anything. He loves to eat baby food and wishes he could eat people food.  He stares at us everytime we eat and usually has to eat when we do (of course!). His favorite food right now is peas and he HATES beans..oddly enough. He also really enjoys his cereal.  He started saying "mmmm" when he eats sometimes. His new favorite thing to do while I am feeding him is to suck his thumb and when I get the spoon ready he takes his thumb out and grabs my hand to "help" me feed him. Of course this is about the messiest way to feed him, but he loves to help. His new favorite activity that he started doing about a week ago is to hang upside down. He could do that for days if we let him.  I am also teaching him a little sign language and I think he is catching on fast, hopefully that will help him communicate when he gets a little older. He wants to put anything and everything in his mouth. He can sit on his own, but he usually choses not to because he gets too excited over things and arches backwards.

I posted a Merry Christmas video down below..check it out, it is funny!

Merry Christmas!

I saw this type of thing on one of my friends blogs years ago and I wanted to do it this year. Hope you enjoy it and laugh like I did.
Merry Christmas!! I hope your year has been great and that your Christmas is awesome! We appreciate all the love and support you give our little family.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Life Update

I managed to scrape through another semester of school. I've never been the kind of person that does well in school, mostly because of my effort. I've never been able to just sit and study and retain much of the information. My mind will wander to something else and before I realize it I've sat and "studied" for 45 minutes and nothing has been accomplished. So this last semester studying was at a minimum. Luckily I'm at the point in my schooling that most classes don't require a bunch of studying. Just getting assignments done and turned in on time. As long as I'm passing all my classes that's all I really care about right now, so I consider this semester a success. Now I get 3 weeks off and it's back to the grind in January for Spring semester.
My next semester is going to be really tough. I will go teach at a Jr. High from 8-9 every morning. Then go to classes until about 11:00 or 12:00, and then work for the rest of the day until 6:15. I won't have any time for a lunch in there because I've got to get straight from point A to B to C quickly. I've been working Monday through Saturday to get my full 40 hours at work, and it looks like I'm going to have to continue to do that for another year at least. Is it too early to say I CAN'T WAIT FOR SUMMER!! I just hope I don't crack and go psycho or something because it really does put me to my witts end sometimes.

Korbin is getting big. Alyssa has been posting his stats on this blog and it blows me away how fast he's been growing. He's a good little boy and seems to be happy most of the time. We started out a little rough because he would cry a lot. I understand he's a baby, but he was a cryer at first... even by baby standards. Now he's leveled off and only crys when he's hungry or tired, which I can handle.
Korbin and I get our bonding time on Friday nights because Alyssa works. He is a really attentive baby so I'll walk him around the house and let him look at things and touch them. He loves to watch football on TV. You may be thinking to yourself.... "self, I'm sure Korbin doesn't really know what football is," but he really does like it. His eyes are glued to the TV whenever football is on. I'm pretty sure his favorite team is the Buffalo Bills, just like his Dad. Too bad we don't ever get to see them play.
Korbin has a big smile. He smiles a lot and his mouth gets really wide and his little tounge just polks out. I have also noticed that he is starting to like Jimmy (our dog) a lot more. If Korbin gets fussy I usually stand up with him and kick Jimmy's toy. Jimmy will pick it up and run around the house with it and Korbin just stares at him. Yesterday was Friday so we were sharing some Male bonding time while Alyssa was at work. Korbin and I were on the couch and I called Jimmy over so Korbin could see him. Jimmy was sitting next to us and Korbin would lean over and put his hands on Jimmy and feel his fur. Jimmy is good to just sit there and even licked Korbin's face a few times. I see them being really good friends in a few years. I just hope Jimbo isn't too old by the time Korbin can play with him.
Christmas is coming and it's going to be more fun having Korb around even though he doesn't really get it yet. True to form I haven't shopped at all. Money is limited this year so we're trying to tone it back a little bit. The problem with that is Alyssa and I have a totally different view of "toning it back." Usually I end up with 10 gifts and a bag full of treats because it didn't all fit in my stocking. And Alyssa ends up with 2-3 gifts and a stocking without the extra treat bag. I always feel bad but Alyssa likes giving so I can't hate on that too much. I'm just happy we have our little family and we're all healthy and doing well. It's been a really good year.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Korbin @ 4 months

So I am extremely behind on blogging and updating Korbins stats. Going back to work and keeping the house clean as well as taking care of the little one is exhausting. But it is well worth it.
At Korbin's 4 month appointment-
He weighed 18.28 lbs (96%)
Length 26.77 in (96%)
Head size 16.9 in (70%)

At his 2 month appointment his head size was in the 41% so I guess his head has grown a lot since then.
Korbin absolutely LOVES to stand. He has gotten so good that I only have to hold him with one finger on one hand, basically just to help him balance. He enjoys wiggling like crazy and will wiggle off our lap. He hasn't yet rolled over but I blame that mostly on my lack on putting him on his tummy. When I do put him on his belly he is sooo close to rolling over.

He loves grabbing toys and hair and anything else he can put in his mouth, he even takes the wash cloth in the bath and tries to help. He is such a talker, he just talks and talks and talks and I absolutely love it! He still hates his car seat, but is getting better little by little. He loves his swing and whenever I really need him to sleep I can just put him in there and he will almost always go to sleep. He is a sound sleeper, usually doesn't wake up to much. Even the 5 rowdy boys screaming in the living room (playing video games). He is a major thumb sucker, which is fine..we tried the binky for months but he never really wanted it, so now we have just accepted the fact that the only way he can soothe himself is to suck his thumb.

Just recently he has been sucking it so much and so hard that he has a blister. OUCH! Luckily it is getting better. We started him on cereal at 4 months and just recently gave him baby food, Squash. Not sure if he likes it, hates it, or loves it. But he is always excited to get in his high chair.

He is such a happy baby when he wakes up..which he didn't get from either of us! But it makes my day to go get him out of his crib and he is smiling his big smile. He usually just lays in there for awhile before he cries, so he lets me sleep a little longer.
He is a perfect little boy and we just love him to pieces! I can't believe how fast they grow!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Take the chance or not?

So this week I was informed of a new job opening up at H Guy Child Elementary School. Some of you know that I have been trying to get hired as a teacher anywhere, but mainly there for a few reasons, 1-it is 2 mins from my house and 2- Leslee, Ryan, and Sylvia (MIL) all work there so I figured I would have a better chance there. Well unfortunately the district wouldn't let the principal hire me because of my lack of experience as well as the fact that I don't have my teaching license. I graduated in Early Childhood with a concentration on Education, so I did most of the classes to get the license, but not all of them. Anyway..Leslee (sis in law) told me about a job opening up in January for a PE specialist. This person would teach PE for 30 mins per class. This person does not have to have a license to teach. So here lies my issues-
-Helps me get my foot in the door with the school and district
-Gives me more experience
-Would be a more fulfilling job
-I wouldn't have to work Sunday's anymore and miss church
-I would prob enjoy it.

-It only lasts from Jan until the end of the school year.
-After it ends, I have NO job.
-We can't afford for me not to work.

So there are my issues..Do I take the chance with this job and hope it helps me finally get into the job I want (Teach), or do I play it safe and continue working somewhere I dont like? The job I have now is a job..and it pays money..and I have been there almost 5 years. Is it worth giving up for something that could be something good?? Or maybe it will be terrible?
I have been talking to a few people about it and almost everyone has told me to take the risk and do it. So I have talked to my old work (Ogden Pizzeria) and asked them if I could maybe come back one night a week there, and they seemed like they could prob do that. Of course that isn't a sure thing yet.. But if they did hire me back then I could work there during the summer more hours and if I really had to, I could just depend on that for money.
What I really want to happen is this.. I take the job, love it, do awesome at it and the principal wants to continue this job, so I take a few months off during the summer, and then start again in August.. OR I do a great job and a Kindergarten job or 1st grade job becomes available and the principal likes what I did, so he hires me!
So what do you think? Do I apply for this job and hope to get it? Or do I play it safe to make sure I can pay for things?

Friday, November 5, 2010

November 7th

This date holds a little spot in my heart every year. Five years ago on this day is when I met my amazing husband Steven. That man changed my life for the better and made my life amazing. Maybe I didn't go into the relationship expecting to marry him, but we quickly found out that we were meant for each other. And by quickly, I mean quickly. Two weeks after we met I told him I loved him, yes, that is very quick..but when you know it, you might as well let it be known right?! Exactly 2 months after we met Steven proposed to me (Jan 7th) and 5 months after we met we got married (April 7th). Yay for lucky number 7!!
Then November 7th of last year rolled around and something else changed my life for the better.. Steven and I found out we were going to have a baby!! We had been only trying for two months and felt extremely lucky and VERY excited that we were going to have a little one soon! And 8 months later we had our precious little boy. I now wonder what we even did without him! Korbin is such a joy to both of us. He has the cutest big smile you have ever seen and loves to wiggle around. One year ago today he wasn't even the size of a kidney bean, and now he is 18 lbs! It is crazy how your life changes so much. I am thankful for November 7th for bringing me my two favorite people in the world!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Our Halloween

This was our first Halloween with a new addition to our family. The past 4 1/2 years we have just been a couple, where holidays were fun and exciting, but there was always something missing. Now that the holiday season has started I have noticed that missing piece was our little boy! Even though he is only 3 months old our Halloween was already better than it ever has been. We are completely looking forward to this season. I find myself looking to the future getting exciting for each holiday and feeling so happy that he is in our lives.
For Halloween it started with the famous Ryan and Rachel family Halloween party. That was a lot of fun and Steven has continued his winning streak of the Cauldron toss.
We went with my family to pick out pumpkins, unfortunately we were late in the season and there wasn't too many choices, plus it was raining..so no cute pictures there. Steven and I carved pumpkins a few days before Halloween. Steven carved Korbin's pumpkin, I think he liked it :)
On the 30th we went Trunk or Treating at Steven's parents ward. We didn't go around to get candy, but it was fun to see costumes and give out candy as well as visit with the family.
After that we headed over to my parents house and ate Taco Soup which is a Halloween tradition and sat by the fire to watch ReAL play.

Next year is going to be even better because this little boy will understand a little more about holidays. We are excited for the years to come!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Korbin Randy is 3 months!

Holy moly! My little boy is 3 months old and I can't even believe it!! These few months have FLOWN by and it is a little scary to think how fast he is growing up. My wonderful sister took some pictures for us. Korbin was NOT happy at all that day but they still managed to turn out decent. So the pictures below are his 3 month pictures, courtesy of my sister Megan.
What is Korbin up to?? Korbin can hold up his head like a strong little boy, but he was doing that from day one. His legs are getting so strong that he can stand on his own, we just hold one finger out so he can balance. I am afraid he might be walking at a young age! Korbin loves to smile and smiles when he wakes up, which makes my day! He started laughing just this Sunday and it was the cutest thing ever. He is wanting to move around a lot now. He will be on our lap and he will try to sit forward, I think he wants to sit up on his own. He will also wiggle and try to leave our lap. Korbin absolutely LOVES football. He will sit and watch that happily for hours (which is okay with us since we are doing the same thing). He loves to tell stories and talks a lot. He hasn't mastered rolling over yet, but he is extremely close! He loves to suck his thumb which is a good and bad thing and he wont take a binky unless I hold it in for him. He loves his swing and will fall asleep in that all day if I would let him. I weighed him yesterday and he weighed 17lbs 5 oz so only 2 lbs from his 2 month appt. Anyway, we love this little boy and we are so happy he is in our lives!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Cousins, Cousins, and more Cousins!

I have been wanting to blog about the many cousin's in Korbin's life. We are so extremely lucky to have two great families and lots of little cousins that Korb will get to play with. On my side of the family (Shaw's) Korbin only has 2 cousins right now, but at the end of December he will have 3 cousins and they are all boys, so they will have tons of fun together! Steven's side Korbin has 2 boy cousins, 3 girl cousins, and 2 more cousins on the way (girl and boy). So as he grows up he will have many friends/cousins to play with which is something I have always wanted for my kids because I didn't really have any cousins to play with when I was little. So anyway..here are a few pictures of the cousins..

Jaxson Shaw ( 1yr 4 months older)-Aunt Megan-Korbin

Braden Roper(2 1/2 yrs older) Dalin Roper (4 yrs 4 months older) Korbin, Grandma, Makayla Hubbard (4 weeks younger) Kyla Rounds (3 yrs older) Bailey Rounds (4 yrs 8 months older)

Kyla, Grandma Rounds, Korbin

Makayla and Korbin. Makayla is the closest cousin to him.

Ryker Shaw (4 yrs older)-Korbin

Leah Rounds will be born in the next month and she will be about 4 months younger than Korbin, Griffin Shaw will be born in December and will be about 5 months younger, and then Boy Roper will be born in March and will be about 8 months younger!
We love cousins!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Why oh why?

So the past week or so Korbin has decided to cry hysterically at anything that is not in the norm. And well the norm only consists of me and Steven and our house..which makes it about impossible to go anywhere or do anything. I am not sure what caused this problem or maybe if it is just coincidence that it keeps happening, but all I know is that I don't like it. Lets back up.. 2 weeks ago we decided we would be brave and take a 10 week old to a ReAl soccer game. We didn't think it would be much of a problem since we have seen smaller babies there before and since Korbin is such a good little baby. Well..he decided that the noise was too much (which is understandable) and had a rough time there. I finally got him to sleep in the second half and we were able to watch the whole game, but it was with a fight! Now Korbin is scared to death of buzzers or loud noises. Yay for us since we go to 2 games a week (soccer and basketball). Last Monday Steven's mom was kind enough to watch Korbin and his cousin Makayla while all of us played indoor soccer. I assumed he would be good, but I was wrong. He cried the entire hour. I was completely unaware that he was crying or I would have left the game so Sylvia (Steven's mom) wouldn't have to deal with a screaming baby for a full hour. Did I mention that when Korbin cries it isn't just a whimper..its a full blown scream, red face, blow your ear drums out kind of cry. So after that game I felt really bad that Sylvia had to deal with that. Wednesday was Steven's basketball game..that went better then soccer, he still cried when the buzzers went off but he seemed to calm down right after that. I am thinking it was because I was there to soothe him. Then Saturday rolls around and it is our good friends wedding. Of course we didn't take him to the whole ceremony, but we did go get him for the reception. Syliva watched him during the ceremony and she said he did really well..no crying, just hanging out. THANK GOODNESS! So right before we left we fed him and we were on our way. Well we right when we get to the reception he starts crying. I dont know if its the new surrounding or the tons of people or if he was just grumpy. So I got him to sleep and he slept for a little while. Then he woke up and would not stop screaming..he hated when people he knew very well tried to talk to him. And then Sunday we took him to my parents and he just basically cried the whole time we were over there. But after we got him to sleep, he slept for about 3 hrs and then the rest of the night he was very happy.
It is so weird because he is the perfect baby at home..sleeps awesome, eats good, plays, and only cries when he is really hungry, but every once in awhile he will get in that mood and just absolutely be hysterical! The only things I can think of for this to be happening are these reasons.. 1- he could just be really tired and things upset him more when he is tired or 2- he has stranger anxiety and does not like new places or people.
So does anyone have any tips, suggestions, or why he is doing this? I don't want him to be doing this forever and I really can't handle the stares I get..man people are so rude! Hello?! Don't you think I am trying to stop his crying?
I would like to be able to go out places and not be scared that he is going to freak out, but I also can't just chill at home all the time or he would never get used to it. Plus I am going back to work in less than a month and no one will want to watch a kid that screams for 8 straight hours.
Well that is it..hopefully things will get better with this soon!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Two months old!

Well as most of you understand..I have been pretty busy lately with this little one so I have been slacking on blogging. Plus I don't really think too many people read it anyway..but for the few that do read it..here is our update!
Korbin is now over two months old! YAY! At his two month appointment these were his stats..
Weight- 15.26 lbs 99%
Length- 24 in 90%
Head size- 15.6 in 41%
So to sum that up..he is one chunky baby with an average sized head!
The two month appt went well except for all those stupid shots they gave him. I think that day was the worst day for us. Korbin ended up crying for over 2 hrs straight because of the shots and finally I went and dropped Korbin off at Aunt Leslee's so I could go get some infant tylenol! THANK YOU LESLEE FOR SAVING MY LIFE! After the medicine kicked in he was much better! So I am definitely not looking forward to the next set of shots!
Korbin finally started smiling at 8 wks. I absolutely LOVE his smiles..it completely melts my heart. He is such a happy morning baby, he wakes up and just smiles at me. What a great way to start the day!

He is still doing awesome holding up his head and barely needs any support from us. He loves to stand and jump and if he had some balance he probably could stand completely on his own.
Korb sittin in his bumbo chair..holding his head up.

Tummy Time!

He is a great sleeper! He sleeps all night and goes right to sleep at night. Naps..well we are working on that!

He started sucking on his thumb at about 4 wks.

As for us.. I am still on Maternity leave! YAY! I have about another month and a half until I have to go back and I absolutely love being home. Steven is working and going to school. He is staying very busy with that stuff. Both our laptops went kapoots this past two weeks and our desktop was slower than a snail so we have been out of internet access. Luckily my bro knows how to build computers and built us a new one. Now we have to pay a guy to get all our info off our laptops so all our pictures aren't lost. I think this Christmas I will be asking for an external hard drive!
Korb had his blessing on October 5th. We had awesome support from family and friends. Korb did good during the blessing except for the part where he spit up all over everyone's hands. ha ha.. I take full responsibility for that..I fed him right before he went up. Sorry guys! But we had a very nice day and had the family come eat at our house.

The one everyone says Korbin looks like..Grandpa Randy Rounds

Grandpa Randy, Grandma Sylvia, Mom, Korbin, and Dad

Our little family on Korbin's blessing day!

I think that is about it! Enjoy all the pictures!
Thanks for coming to our blog! We hope you enjoy reading about our life and please leave a comment so we know you stopped by!!