Monday, October 14, 2013

Black Island Farm

I'll just start off by saying how great Black Island Farm is. Not only is it a decent price, but the kids just love it! We started off with a hay ride to the pumpkins, the kids got to pick out their own pumpkin from the patch, and name him. Took a ride back to where we started and then they have this whole field area full of animals, pig races, slides, bounce house, train, places you can play "music".. it just doesn't end. Korbin loved this last year, but man was it even better this year now that he is a little older. Thanks Leslee for always inviting us to come with, it is always a great time! I also wanted to post a picture or two of last year.

This year 2013

Last year 2012 (Bree was  4.5 mos old)

This year
 Last year
 This year

Last year

Showing off his pumpkin

Aubree heading down the slide

The pig races

 Korb and his pumpkin face.

Korb and Makayla going down the big slide.
Bree not happy she is on my lap.
And..this is when you know it has been a good day. Korb very rarely sleeps in the car.


Aubree at 16 months old

I am sure I say this everytime.. but Aubree is such a character! She is such a girl! Even though she does enjoy the rough and tough, and the dinosaurs and cars, she is definitely a girly girl. She is dramatic, and yet very caring. She thinks everything and everyone is a baby including witches hanging from doors and 8 yr old kids. She loves her baby dolls and loves to do what Korbin does. She is a crazy, wild child that is always getting into something she isn't supposed to be getting into. She is a smart kid who can pretty much say anything I tell her to. She knows her body parts and loves poking people in the eyes. haha She now has 6 teeth. Two of them just popped through maybe last week. So she now has the top two, bottom two, the top left and the top left one yr molar. The teeth are kind of popping out randomly, but Im just glad she is finally getting teeth. She is a go-go-go kid who doesn't like to sit anywhere for very long, doesn't like strollers, or high chairs. She is a good kid with eating and sleeping. When its time for nap or bed she is always happy to lay down. She has the cutest wave that consists of her whole arm and loves to say "hi" to everyone that walks by..unless they start talking to her, then she gets stranger danger. She has a love/hate relationship with shoes, and absolutely HATES socks. If shoes aren't on, the socks WILL come off. What a silly girl.
 We love this girl to pieces! I am glad we have the chance to have a boy and a girl to experience both. It's funny the difference in personalities and likes/dislikes.

 Just laying upside on a couch reading a book.

 Silly glasses, silly Aubree
 Why not get inside a box?
 At Kangaroo Zoo
 The goofy girl.. you can see her four teeth here.
 Tired girl..
 Learning how to play the IPad
 She is a great sleeper in the car!
 Hanging out in a bathroom.
 Check out that hair!
Getting on top of a hamper.
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