I haven't had the chance to blog a lot lately so I will have to start back to when school started 4 weeks ago. Wow I cant believe it has gone this fast! This semester for me is student teaching. What this means is that I go to Weber State's Children's school and teach every day. I go from 7:30am until 12pm and then from 12 to 1 I have a class for student teaching. I also have a night class on Tuesday nights. Then I go to work every day from 1:15p to 7:30p. So there is my life!
So anyway, I was extremely nervous about student teaching to the point where I was extremely grumpy and sad. But the time came anyway, now we are 4 weeks in and I look forward to going to school everyday. I absolutely love these kids and think they are so cute and so smart. I am impressed by them everyday! I didn't think I would be to this point already where I am excited to teach and have that responsibility, but I am! I love it. So that is good news for me! Student teaching ends the first week of December. After this semester I will hopefully have one semsester left and I can finally graduate!
One thing that is getting me through these months is knowing that on Sept 26th Steven and I will be going on a cruise! We have had this planned since November of last year. We have saved our pennies and never thought we would ever get here, but it is less then two weeks away!! We are going with two of our best friends Rachel and Ryan (Steven's bro and sis in law), and most of Steven's family which includes 2 grandmas, 1 grandpa, parents, and sister. There is 12 people coming with us. We are all so excited, Steven's grandma even went to the extent to get us these cute shirts for the cruise. After the cruise we can look forward to being half way done with the semester!
And as you all know football started today!! Oh how we are soo excited!! This is the season that we absolutely love and look forward to! Here are some things that we look forward to during this season. Football, heat bags, cooler weather, shows starting again, hoodies, sweatpants, slippers, lots of cuddles, and bundling up in a blanket. As for football.. Steven and I are in a pick'em game and a fantasy football league, so we are watching as many games as possible! We hope to win in both of them cause then we could get some money! But either way it is fun to do!
Everything else is going great right now! I feel like I have been incredibly blessed and given so much, sometimes more then I think I deserve, but non the less, I am thankful for it! I am one happy girl and fall in love with Steven more and more every day!