Thursday, October 29, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

Wow! Steven and I are two busy bee's. I feel like I never get to see my husband! During the week Steven and I see each other for about 2-3 hrs per night and for us that is not much time at all. Usually during those few hours we are doing some type of homework which makes our time even less. This semester has been a busy one for both of us, I am student teaching and working, and Steven has some demanding classes and works. So we are extremely ready for a break! Why is it not December yet?! I mean, no I am not ready for Christmas, but I cant handle being a nobody, not having time for anyone or anything, and not having energy to do anything! I can not wait until we are finished with school and can spend quality time with each other. And heck, summers off together.. nothing is better than that!
So as you can see, we haven't had a lot of time to blog or do other things that I want to get done. Another reason I haven't blogged in a month is because nothing too exciting has happened to us. We have done some fun things like go to the ReAL playoff game on Halloween, we also went to a fun Halloween party that my sister in law throws every year, we have had a lot of fun playing with our nieces and nephews, and we are still playing indoor soccer, which the past year or two has become my favorite sport! I LOVE IT! It helps to have the most supportive husband that will boost you up even when you know you shouldn't have missed that shot! He is so great to play with which makes it fun for everyone!
Student teaching is going well. The kids are crazy, but fun. I have learned so much from this experience that I would never learn from a classroom, so I am glad I get to gain that knowledge. But, I will be even more glad when its over!!!!!!!
And in other news.. The Jazz started last week which Steven and I are extremely excited about! So hopefully we will save our pennies and get to go to a few games this year.
Well Happy November! I cannot believe it is already the end of the year, it freaks me out! But hopefully next year will be as happy as this year has been! I am one lucky girl to have a wonderful husband and family!


Steven said...

You're almost done with school, and I'll follow soon after. It's exciting to think about.
Glad you're enjoying soccer. It is the most fun sport to play for sure. Just keep scoring those goals and our team will be set!!
Love you!

Kariann said...

I cannot imagine being as busy as you guys are!! But i know how it is to only see your husband a few hours a!! Glad everything is going so well for you though!! :)

Rachel said...

I am constantly hoping and wondering when life will slow down so more time can be spent on what I WANT to do and not on what I HAVE to do. Hang in there, you are almost done with school. What a relief.

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