Well just as we have done the past 2 months, we are still playing the waiting game for our house. I think we are both there mentally, but physically we still have a lot to do before we can move into the house. First of all we have been waiting for this past week to come so we could see if we were going to get enough back from taxes, and finally be sure that we can put the down payment down without borrowing money from anyone. Looks like we made it, so now we are just waiting for the tax returns to come! Steven and I finally packed up a few boxes the other night and still have soo many more to pack. We are extremely excited to finally have a house of our own, even if it gives us that extra responsibility. There are so many things I love about this house and one of the main things is the back yard! It is a good size, flat, with fruit trees and plenty of room to run around. It also has a big covered patio for many BBQ's we will be having as well as a warm place for Jimmy (our dog) to lay when he is outside.

I also love the neighborhood and we are extremely excited that we are moving about 3 blocks away from Steven's parents, as well as both his sisters. We have such high hopes this summer and plan to do a lot of family activities.
So if everything continues to go well we will be in our new house the first of March! Yay!! We are also going to rent out our basement, so if you know of anyone that needs a place to live we are going to rent it for $550 a month plus half utilities. The basement is newly carpeted, new tiles, new paint. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, living room, kitchen, plus a washer and dryer. Its a really good deal if you ask me! So if you know of anyone that would make for good renters, send them our way!