Thursday, January 27, 2011

Korbin at 6 months!!

Korbin Randy Rounds is 6 months! I can not believe he is already a half of a year old! That seriously blows my mind! This kid has been the best thing to happen to us and he is such a funny, cute little kid! I can already see his sense of humor coming through and he is going to be one funny kid as he grows up!!
Weight- 20.37 lbs (88%) 
Length- 28.74 in (97%)
Head- 17.5 in (67%)

He is already showing a that he is interested in sports. He comes to our soccer games and watches the ball and the players run back and forth as well as when we go watch Daddy play basketball. He loves to play with toys especially Donivan, that giraffe is by far his favorite toy! He also really loves his plastic keys. He knows who his cousin Makayla is and they always try to grab each other. Last Sunday Korbin grabbed Makayla's was about the cutest thing ever! Wished I would have had my camera handy!

 I think he will probably be a late crawler because of his weight. His arms are not strong enough to hold up his body so for now Korbin likes to do the leg kick/swim. It is really cute!
 Korbin absolutely LOVES to eat! He LOVES his baby food and is excited when he gets to try something new. We have yet to find a food he doesn't like..the green beans were an issue but after a few weeks we gave it to him again and he loved them! He LOVES his apple juice and yogurt. He is a very good eater! I also let him have the spoon after we are done eating and he enjoys putting it in his mouth.  I also think it feels good on his gums. (No, no teeth yet, but they have got to be coming!)
This kid enjoys feeding himself and he is one silly boy when he does! He has managed to be able to palm the bottle with his left hand and just feed himself with the one hand.  Something else he likes to do when he eats is to feed other things besides his tummy..his forehead, nose, and eyes often get hungry also. He can do tricks with his bottle like turn it upside down and try to drink from it upside down. I love that he can feed himself because it gives me a little extra time to do things I need to do!

 This month I moved him from his mini tub to the big tub.  He was getting way too big for the little tub so I decided to just put him in the big tub with not a lot of water. He loves it though! He enjoys splashing with his feet and playing with his new bath toys (Thanks Rachel!)

 My chunky monkey!
 Korbin enjoys watching the Jazz..but only when they win. Here is his cute Jazz outfit!

He is such a happy boy! I absolutely love his smile! He really enjoys scream talking. He does it in the car, in his crib, watching tv, and while we are trying to feed him. Sometimes he scream talks too loud that it hurts our ears! Silly boy!
 He is such a big boy! He can now sit on his own for as long as he wants and he can now sit straight instead of slouched over. Yay!
 Korb got the flu about 2 weeks ago and it was about the saddest thing ever! We had a lot of sleepless nights and that kid was one warm kid so we had to give him cool baths and light pj's, also a cold rag on his head. I am glad that is over! :(
 He loves to sit on your lap and make noise as you bounce him..he could do that for hours! He also still enjoys his jumper a lot and loves to pet his dog Jimmy! He is starting to be more observant about the TV and seems to concentrate really well when I put on cartoons. I think we will have to get some old school cartoons cause these new ones are terrible!

Here are Korbin's 6 month pictures taken by my wonderful sister! Enjoy!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas and New Years

New Years Eve-
Well this year we weren't feeling too up to doing anything big and luckily Ryan and Rachel were thinking the same thing, so this New Years Eve consisted of us four playing board games, eating delicious donuts, lots of pop, tons of candy, listening to music (some good, some bad), and a good time! We did however stop our game playing to watch the countdown and say our Happy New Years to each other. It was nice and a stress free way of celebrating it. I do think however that I gained some weight from that and many other junk food nights that week.

Steven trying to beat Scramble on his Ipod, which he did,and he was very proud!

Happy New Year!!

We had the opportunity to go see the Christmas lights with Steven's bro and his family. I was excited that they invited us because I was just telling Steven how we hadn't had the chance to go look at any lights. So we went one night with Ryan and Rachel and it turned out to be a fun night. At the end of the lights Ryan decided to get all of us gutter tacos..which if you haven't tried them, you are missing out! But they were delicious as always, and Steven even admitted they were good.

Cold but happy baby! He LOVED the lights and would stare at all of them..he wouldn't stop chatting.
Our cute little family :)

 We spent Christmas Eve doing our usual which consists of spending the evening with my family. I love Christmas Eve and we always have fun.  This year was a little different because we had a few extra people at the house..Steven's Mom came which was fun (Steven's Dad couldn't come because he just had surgery), we also had my parents neighbors come (well some times neighbors, this is their "winter" home.. ha ha) Anyway, Gary my parents neighbor brought over his guitar and played some Christmas music for all of us and we also got to sing along. We had some delicious pizza for dinner and we played the $5 present game. It was a nice night and always fun to spend time with the family.

Grandma Sylvia and Korbin getting ready for the present game. No, Korbin doesn't go anywhere without his giraffe!
Some of the family and party goers.
Some more of the family..
Korb in his new Christmas Pj's..I loved them and wished we had them longer so he could wear them more than one night.
Just hanging out listening to the guitar.

 This year we changed our Christmas routine a little because we have a fun little boy to share it with. We woke up about 8am and opened our presents. Then we went to Steven's families house and spent time with his family as well as opened around 11am we went to my parents and ate the usually delicious brunch..and then opened presents there. After that we were all so exhausted that we took a nice 3 hr nap. After the nice nap we headed back over to Steven's families house to play some games.
Korbin and Steven's stockings layed with care.
Korbin with some of his Christmas presents. Spoiled kid!
"Thanks Mommy for all the wonderful presents!"
Steven's parents house..Steven's Dad was not able to be within 15 ft of kids, so he was sentenced to the corner..kind of sad, but he seemed to be a good sport about it.
Our sweet new sports cups.
Just the start at the Shaw household.
My Dad and Mom

Korbin attempting to take his morning nap..I think he was too excited!
Our cute little family on Christmas.

We hope you had as wonderful of a Christmas as we did! We are so lucky to have such amazing friends and family, and we absolutely LOVE our chunky little boy! We had such a great 2010! Lets bring on 2011!!
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