Weight- 20.37 lbs (88%)
Length- 28.74 in (97%)
Head- 17.5 in (67%)
He is already showing a that he is interested in sports. He comes to our soccer games and watches the ball and the players run back and forth as well as when we go watch Daddy play basketball. He loves to play with toys especially Donivan, that giraffe is by far his favorite toy! He also really loves his plastic keys. He knows who his cousin Makayla is and they always try to grab each other. Last Sunday Korbin grabbed Makayla's hands..it was about the cutest thing ever! Wished I would have had my camera handy!
I think he will probably be a late crawler because of his weight. His arms are not strong enough to hold up his body so for now Korbin likes to do the leg kick/swim. It is really cute!
Korbin absolutely LOVES to eat! He LOVES his baby food and is excited when he gets to try something new. We have yet to find a food he doesn't like..the green beans were an issue but after a few weeks we gave it to him again and he loved them! He LOVES his apple juice and yogurt. He is a very good eater! I also let him have the spoon after we are done eating and he enjoys putting it in his mouth. I also think it feels good on his gums. (No, no teeth yet, but they have got to be coming!)
This kid enjoys feeding himself and he is one silly boy when he does! He has managed to be able to palm the bottle with his left hand and just feed himself with the one hand. Something else he likes to do when he eats is to feed other things besides his tummy..his forehead, nose, and eyes often get hungry also. He can do tricks with his bottle like turn it upside down and try to drink from it upside down. I love that he can feed himself because it gives me a little extra time to do things I need to do!
This month I moved him from his mini tub to the big tub. He was getting way too big for the little tub so I decided to just put him in the big tub with not a lot of water. He loves it though! He enjoys splashing with his feet and playing with his new bath toys (Thanks Rachel!)
Korbin enjoys watching the Jazz..but only when they win. Here is his cute Jazz outfit!
He is such a happy boy! I absolutely love his smile! He really enjoys scream talking. He does it in the car, in his crib, watching tv, and while we are trying to feed him. Sometimes he scream talks too loud that it hurts our ears! Silly boy!
He is such a big boy! He can now sit on his own for as long as he wants and he can now sit straight instead of slouched over. Yay!
Korb got the flu about 2 weeks ago and it was about the saddest thing ever! We had a lot of sleepless nights and that kid was one warm kid so we had to give him cool baths and light pj's, also a cold rag on his head. I am glad that is over! :(
He loves to sit on your lap and make noise as you bounce him..he could do that for hours! He also still enjoys his jumper a lot and loves to pet his dog Jimmy! He is starting to be more observant about the TV and seems to concentrate really well when I put on cartoons. I think we will have to get some old school cartoons cause these new ones are terrible!
Here are Korbin's 6 month pictures taken by my wonderful sister! Enjoy!
I really can't believe how big he is!!! :o) And so adorable too!
You forgot to include that he's in the 100th percentile for cuteness!
He is getting so big. I can't believe how behind I am on your blog. I am so jealous that you got Lasik, happy for you though. It must be so nice not having to deal with contacts and stuff. And I love the picture of Korbin looking at his reflection on his toy! Too cute!
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