Well some may have hear rumors and some may not have any idea, but we are expecting another child! We are so excited for the future and can't wait to have another addition to our family. We are due May 12th, 2011 which means our kiddos will be 22 months apart, about perfect if you ask me. We don't know what we are having yet but in 4 short days we hope the baby will cooperate and let us find out! We are excited for either a boy or a girl so it will be fun to find out. What do you think we will have? A boy or a girl? We already have the names for both a boy and a girl so I think we are set for either one.
This pregnancy so far has been better then my first one (which makes me think its a girl lol). I haven't been near as sick and I havent had morning sickness as bad. Of course I still have it, and it is still sucky and exhausting but my previous pregnancy I would throw up at least 2-4 times a day for the first 17 wks, this time I have thrown up maybe 10 times total which is so much better! I am finally starting to get my energy back (thank goodness!) and I am now able to do things around the house and pay attention to my child more. I felt like a terrible mom for a few months because I was so exhausted and sick that I couldnt get off the couch to play with Korbin, but now things are getting a lot better and he has his mommy back! I am finally starting to show although it still looks like a fat belly.. where people aren't sure if I am pregnant or just fat. Hopefully soon I can just have a cute little bump and keep it little for awhile!
You are welcome to take our poll to the right and let us know what you think/hope we have! We will keep everyone updated and expect another baby post in about a week or less! Yay!
Thanks to our wonderful family and friends who are always super supportive to us!