Stats: Length 32.5 in (off the chart)
Weight 26.11 lbs (93%)
Head circ. 46.3 cm (65%)
Well our little stinker is growing up too fast! She is such a character! First of all she thinks she is 3 yrs old with Korbin. She thinks she can do everything he does. She started to "run" this month and it is quite cute to see! She officially has 4 teeth now. Her top left tooth just popped through the other day. She hates diapers and is always tugging at her diaper, she also tells us most of the time when she is pooping (maybe we will have better luck with her getting potty trained!). She is obsessed with binkies, blankets, and baby dolls. She loves saying Mama over and over and over and over again for no reason at all. She is in the "I want to do everything myself" stage, including walking up and down stairs. She no longer lets me carry her anywhere. She still loves climbing on and in anything that looks fun. She loves to play with cars and dinosaurs just like her brother. They both love the famous couch cushions piled up on the ground came. Which is fine with me because they both stay happy for quite awhile. She will eat anything and that includes Korbin's food after he is done, and gross food out of the garbage can. She is a bit of a perfectionist and has to put things back where she had them. She loves baths and the sandbox. She is a mama's girl. She takes about a 2 hr nap each day and sleeps great through the night. She isn't much of a milk drinker anymore and loves juice!
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