Casidy has been such an amazing baby. She is by FAR our best baby. You will rarely hear her cry her full cry unless she is hungry or in her car seat. She is happy where ever she is at and loves when her older siblings pay attention to her. She is 13lbs this month and started her adorable smile at 8 weeks and one day. I love her smile! She is a lot less serious then our other two were and will always smile at people. She is super close to laughing and I'm excited for that day. She is a fabulous sleeper and almost never wakes up during the night. She will sleep from about 9:30pm until 8:30am and then sleep quite a bit throughout the day. She still only has 4 oz of milk but I have started putting cereal in her bottle so she doesn't spit up as much. She still goes about 3 hrs between feedings. She is wearing anything from 3 months to 9 months (depending on the brand) and still in size 1 diaper. She is a great cuddler. She is a mover and loves to push off of you and scoot to the end of her crib.
She went to her first dermatologist appointment on July 14th and they gave us some drops to put on her lip. She doesn't do well with a binkie yet but I am convinced its because of her hemangioma! She is a great baby and we absolutely love this stinker!
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