Well today was Steven and my 2 year anniversary! It was kind of a crazy day, but was very nice! We had our families over and had a BBQ and it was a lot of fun. It's really nice to have both sides of the family come over and support us. These 2 years have been amazing! They have flown by so fast! We have experienced so much together and so many fun awesome memories! I am truly thankful for Steven in my life, he is my world!
Thank you to everyone who supports us in everything we do!
Thank you to everyone who supports us in everything we do!
Happy (late) anniversary! I have a blogspot too...it's jabwallace.blogspot.com but it's private, so you should message me your email address so I can add you as a reader.
Well, Most of your family attended the BBQ for your anniversary. The God-Parents weren't there, but I'm sure that was just an oversite. I love your new blog site, you're right the ocean is wonderful. Good thing we get to check it out SOON!
With all my love,
Your God-Mother
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