Four years ago today my best friend walked into my life. I can not believe how incredibly fast time goes by, it seems like the other day that we were dating and staying up late to go to Denny's. Four years ago I found Steven on Myspace and wrote him a comment..Four years ago he wrote back saying my favorite football team sucked..and four years ago we made a bet on the Colts vs. Patriots game. Of course my bet was that the Colts would win, his was that they would lose, we both ended up winning in the end!
Steven came into my life when I was not ready for anything but fun, he was (and still is) a very handsome, tall guy who made me laugh. Only when I left for Seattle is when I really realized I needed to be with him, too bad it took me leaving the state to realize that.
These four years have been amazing! If this is anything like eternity then I am one incredibly lucky girl!
Thank you Steven for being you, for loving me, and for making me miss you every time you are gone. I love you so much more then I ever imagined was possible, and every day you fill my heart even more. Thank you for being my rock. I love you! XOXO Today!

Steven and I when we were dating.

Dating picture
Happy Anniversary! I hope you guys had a great day!
That's so sweet! Your words seemed so passionate it was fun to read. =) Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! You two are an inspiration!
Thanks sweet heart!! Love you very much.
Happy Anniversary!
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