Today was the big day Steven and I have been waiting for in three months. Today was the day we FINALLY signed our papers to close on the house! I think buying this house put me through more stress then all my years of school combined! It seemed like everything was going wrong, and no one was willing to help us, and the mortgage lady didn't seem to have any rush on our papers.. but finally we have made it to the end, well the end of paper signing at least! It looks like we will happily be moving into the new house on Saturday! I honestly thought this day might never happen, but I think it just might! We are getting some big strong guys in the family to come help us move..and as nice as it will be for me to just sit back and watch, I feel bad that I am not helping much, so hopefully the guys will know how helpful they are being. Steven and I took the day off on Monday to start unpacking everything and maybe we can stop living in boxes like we have been the past 2 months.
I think once the move is over I will be able to finally concentrate on more important things like getting through this semester, and getting ready for the baby. I finally ordered graduation announcements.. I wasn't going to because it costs an arm and leg for even a few, but I got convinced otherwise. Now I think I am glad I did because it will be once in a lifetime thing. I have been trying to push the whole graduation thing out of my mind because I don't want to get too anxious about it, but boy am I ready to be done! I have been going forever it seems! I didn't take a break last summer and the past 4 semesters I have been taking 15 plus credit hrs (2 semesters of 19 cr hrs).. so I am completely ready to be done.
The baby is doing really well.. we had an appointment a few weeks ago and the dr said he looks good.. very healthy! He was about 3 oz bigger then normal at our 20 wk appt, so that is good. I feel him move all the time and it gives me tons of comfort because I know he is doing good in there. I think the first few months are so stressful because you don't feel the baby move and the risk of a miscarriage is higher, so yay for getting this far! I finally stopped being sick and it is so much nicer! I now enjoy food except for a few things like processed chicken and frozen pizza's can still be a little hard as well. But everything else usually sounds good! I have not one but two breakfasts, lunch, then I will get home from work and eat again, then I will have dinner, then I will have a snack (usually an apple) in bed! Boy.. this whole pregnancy thing is starting to cost a pretty penny, but it will all be worth it!
I think everything else is doing good! Hopefully the next time we blog will be in our new house! Yay!!
COngrats! That is so exciting that you are moving into a house and that graduation is almost here. You have worked hard!! GOod luck with the baby.
Hopefully you will get all settled in nicely. Congrats.
I can hardly wait to see your new home!
Congrats Alyssa! You'll have to post pictures as soon as you can. I'm so sorry I haven't been keeping up on your blog like I should, but I will do better I promise! I miss you! I am so happy for you for the new house, graduation and the baby! Life doesn't get much better than that!
Graduation, a baby AND a house?!? Wow!! We are very happy for you both!
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