So we never thought owning a house would be easy, and we knew that we would come upon problems, but we never imagined we would have to go through so much crap in 2 1/2 months. We are starting to second guess ourselves and our choice to buy a house. Steven and I are firm believers in having "emergency money" as we call it.. it is just money we have saved up and we only use it for things that come up that we weren't expecting and that is expensive. Well we have been lucky through out the years and not needed to use much of it until now. In the past 2 1/2 months we have gone through $8,000.00 .. and I wish I could say it was for some fun vacations or a new car or something really exciting. The truth of the matter is.. it was for expenses in our new house. We had an inspector come inspect the house before we bought it and he informed us that there were very few problems, most of what we could fix ourselves. Never once were we told that any of the main things in the house weren't working. So lucky us..find out the hard way. We found out about a month ago that our wiring for the whole house was done extremely bad (the worst the electrician has EVER seen..might I add)..the electrician said that our house would burn down in the next few years if we don't get that fixed. Well our first thought was.. Hey! We have a home warranty and we were NOT aware of this problem when we got the house, so the home warranty will cover it. Ha ha.. RIGHT! Home warranty is a big waste of money! They wouldn't cover it because it was a pre-existing problem! Lucky us, we got to use our hard earned money on stupid electrical work that should have been done properly the first time. We also had some plumbing issues that caused some good drama as well as the ceiling leaking in the basement. And now as we come upon this month we come to find out that one of our windows is leaking and of course it isn't simple like a little cocking.. nope.. it is leaking through the whole window. And now as it is getting hotter.. (don't forget that I am almost 34 weeks pregnant and any temperature above 50 is HOT) our central air doesn't work. Now we were okay with this because our wonderful inspector told us that if the central air doesn't work that the home warranty would definitely cover that. WRONG! Guess again! We get to pull that money out of who knows where to fix the central air because it was once again.. pre-existing! So now as we speak, I am sitting in a blistering hot house with no cool air flowing anywhere and I get to use my hard earned money on central air..which wouldn't be a big deal, but our inspector decided to screw us royally and tell us that it would be covered. We keep thinking that each problem has to be the last one, and weeks go by with more problems. It has got to stop or we might just end up on the street because we have no more money! Now we dont get to use that money for anything we wanted to use it for like a new driveway, new windows, a garage door opener, or I know.. money to spend on the baby!
Don't think that I am a big complainer or ungrateful, because I try to stay positive and know that things happen for a reason, but I have about hit the mark of explosion. I do know that we are two lucky people and have two wonderful families that absolutely love us and would help and support us in any way we asked. We do live in an awesome house in a nice neighborhood, and we both have jobs that help us pay for not only the crappy things, but the fun things as well. I just hope that we are about to the end of the huge expenses in the house because we have a baby coming and I want to give this baby everything he deserves! So hopefully the big problems will end so I can concentrate on things that are important to me!
ugh that stinks! is there anyway you can file a complaint/grievance against your inspector? there has to be something you can do and not just get screwed out of all that money!!
but on the good side- yay for being so far along and having a baby boy! :)
Unfortunately owning a house sucks in some ways. It is awesome to have something that is completely yours, but it also means that fixing it....is completely yours. We keep waiting for things to stop braking too. But I do enjoy my things once I have been forced to replace them: new fridge, stove, dishwasher, etc. and I think new swamp cooler this summer when it brakes. I am starting to think that is part of life. In the end, I think the benefits out-way the negatives. Good luck with the fix ups. I know it is sucky.
That totally sucks. I'm sorry.
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