Well as most of you understand..I have been pretty busy lately with this little one so I have been slacking on blogging. Plus I don't really think too many people read it anyway..but for the few that do read it..here is our update!
Korbin is now over two months old! YAY! At his two month appointment these were his stats..
Weight- 15.26 lbs 99%
Length- 24 in 90%
Head size- 15.6 in 41%
So to sum that up..he is one chunky baby with an average sized head!
The two month appt went well except for all those stupid shots they gave him. I think that day was the worst day for us. Korbin ended up crying for over 2 hrs straight because of the shots and finally I went and dropped Korbin off at Aunt Leslee's so I could go get some infant tylenol! THANK YOU LESLEE FOR SAVING MY LIFE! After the medicine kicked in he was much better! So I am definitely not looking forward to the next set of shots!
Korbin finally started smiling at 8 wks. I absolutely LOVE his smiles..it completely melts my heart. He is such a happy morning baby, he wakes up and just smiles at me. What a great way to start the day!
He is still doing awesome holding up his head and barely needs any support from us. He loves to stand and jump and if he had some balance he probably could stand completely on his own.
Korb sittin in his bumbo chair..holding his head up.
Tummy Time!
He is a great sleeper! He sleeps all night and goes right to sleep at night. Naps..well we are working on that!
He started sucking on his thumb at about 4 wks.
As for us.. I am still on Maternity leave! YAY! I have about another month and a half until I have to go back and I absolutely love being home. Steven is working and going to school. He is staying very busy with that stuff. Both our laptops went kapoots this past two weeks and our desktop was slower than a snail so we have been out of internet access. Luckily my bro knows how to build computers and built us a new one. Now we have to pay a guy to get all our info off our laptops so all our pictures aren't lost. I think this Christmas I will be asking for an external hard drive!
Korb had his blessing on October 5th. We had awesome support from family and friends. Korb did good during the blessing except for the part where he spit up all over everyone's hands. ha ha.. I take full responsibility for that..I fed him right before he went up. Sorry guys! But we had a very nice day and had the family come eat at our house.
The one everyone says Korbin looks like..Grandpa Randy Rounds
Grandpa Randy, Grandma Sylvia, Mom, Korbin, and Dad
Our little family on Korbin's blessing day!
I think that is about it! Enjoy all the pictures!
Some unsolicited advice, I would always give my kids a dose of tylenol when they were little babies in the car before we went into the doctor for shots. I think it helps to have the medicine in the system and ready to work before they get poked. -Very fun that he is smiling.
I love the smiling pictures. He is so cute! I also love the sleeping picture. They always look so peaceful when they sleep. I would also recommend having some tylenol in your diaper bag at all times. Both times I took my kids camping when they were about 6 months and they cut teeth. Not a fun time and they won't sleep. I had to bum some off Rachel then all was well.
Can't believe you baby is growing so fast. Fun times :)
I was going to give the same unsolicited advice as Rachel!! :) You will notice a HUGE difference after his next 'well baby' check-up.
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