Anyway, the kids had a blast and they LOVED seeing all the animals. Korbin could have stayed at the polar bear den all day long. He talked about it for days later actually. Aubree enjoyed all the animals. It was the perfect temperature and it was a fun little outing for us.
Monday, March 31, 2014
The Zoo!
We decided to go to the Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City the last week of Feburary.. it was the last free day until the Fall. Needless to say it was crazy busy but we went first thing in the morning and was able to see almost everything before it got busy. As we were leaving it started getting so busy that you couldnt get through anywhere. The parking lot was full and cars were parked miles away. I was a little disapointed in the Zoo as I have been for a few years because they have been remodling it for as long as I remember and they dont seem to have as many animals.
Anyway, the kids had a blast and they LOVED seeing all the animals. Korbin could have stayed at the polar bear den all day long. He talked about it for days later actually. Aubree enjoyed all the animals. It was the perfect temperature and it was a fun little outing for us.
Anyway, the kids had a blast and they LOVED seeing all the animals. Korbin could have stayed at the polar bear den all day long. He talked about it for days later actually. Aubree enjoyed all the animals. It was the perfect temperature and it was a fun little outing for us.
Aubree at 21 months old

She finally got all four of her molars in. The bottom two were really bad and she had a rough time with them. She now has 12 teeth total. She is continuing her independence and now wont let us help her with anything (which is very time consuming!). She loves any and all shoes and its a rarity if you see her without some type of shoe on. She is obsessed with juice. She loves to play everywhere she isn't supposed to like the toilet and the fridge. I have found her many times with eggs and egg shells in her mouth. She isn't too picky of an eater but definitely chooses when she wants to eat. She loves her daddy and tends to be a better cuddler with him then anyone else. She has a blast with her big brother and copies everything he does. She is very attached to Korbin ( what she calls him). She still is obsessed with Umizoomi and we watch it all the time. She is starting to learn a lot of things, she knows a lot of animals and their sounds, she is starting to know colors like Pink and yellow and blue and she is learning how to count, say her ABC's and sing Twinkle Twinkle little star. She is also obsessed with purses and baby dolls, in fact her toddler bed is full of baby dolls and she has to have all of them in bed with her or she wont sleep. Luckily she will be moving into a bigger bed in a few months and there will be plenty of room for her babies. She is a blast to spend time with and is so goofy, but she definitely keeps us busy.
She loves to play with her food. This is a breadstick that she is using as her finger.
Her first night in the big bed!
Her molar that was coming through, it was extremely sore and bled a lot. Ouch!
Might as well put Little people in our mouth!
Aubree's face just makes me giggle. I love these two adorable kids!!
Just a glimpse of her baby dolls.. she now has 2 more babies and a Minnie Mouse to add to the pile.
Umizoomi.. this is how she usually watches it.
Being her silly self!
I love being able to do her hair different ways now! So cute in a high pony tail!
This is what happens when Daddy is in charge, stripes, hearts, polka dots, and hair in face. Oh and she put the shoes on herself.
My cute girl
I just love pictures of sleeping kids! She looks so comfy!
Saturday, March 8, 2014
30 weeks pregnant
I haven't blogged about this pregnancy yet so I thought I better before its done! So as of this week I am 30 weeks pregnant which is fantastic! It has definitely flown by so far, of course its these last 10 weeks that always seem to drag.
My pregnancy has been going well, the first few months was a killer as always. I was extremely tired and sick but I didn't get near as sick as I did with the other two. I think this time I only threw up twice which is a huge difference for me! After I got over the first trimester it was really nice, I didn't have many symptoms besides a growing belly. We found out what we were having in the middle of December and announced it to everyone on Christmas. Both Steven and I were almost positive it was a boy, even before we got pregnant I felt like we were going to have another boy, so it was a little bit of an adjustment for us when we found out we were having a little girl.
I was able to go on a cruise when I was 18 weeks pregnant and that was quite a change from the cruises I am used to. I absolutely LOVED the cruise and it was pretty great to have any food I wanted at any time and not have to worry about cleaning up after yourself, but it was a little difficult because I still had less energy and still felt a little sick and I wasn't able to do much off the boat like excursions.
Our targeted ultrasound was fun and the kids came to that. They love coming to the doctor to see the baby and this one was even better because they got to see a lot of pictures of her. We got a few decent shots of her and I decided she looks just like Aubree. Everything was good at the apt and the baby was slightly above average in weight (no surprise).
The past 3 weeks or so I have been having the famous lower back pain and just this past week I have had major pain on my right side of my body. I had my sister look at it and she thought I had Piriformis syndrome which is when your sciatic nerve is compressed that causes pain and numbness down one side and leg. So I have been dealing with that recently and hoping that somehow it goes away sooner then 10 weeks! My previous pregnancies I have carried the babies a lot higher and they always seem to kick my ribs like crazy and I am convinced my ribs are broken.. this pregnancy she is already head down and quite far down then what I am used to.. so its quite the change and I think I would chose the ribs over this any day.
My last apt went well, she measured about 3 pounds (29 weeks) and I will start going every two weeks now. The doctor thinks she is average weight at the moment.. but I am pretty sure that is what she has thought with the other two as well. So far no talk on having this baby any earlier then a week which would put me at May 8th, but we will see how my pain is and such as the weeks go on.
I am excited to have this little one in our lives and finally feel like our family is complete. I look forward to the future with the kids as they grow and play and learn. We are also excited to finally have our whole house to ourselves and let the kids have their own rooms.
As for the pregnancy, things are going well. We have decided to name her Casidy Blair Rounds. Blair is a family name from my dads side, it was actually my grandmothers maiden name, I thought it was a cute girl name and I also wanted to get my dads side of the name in our family somewhere so it is going to work perfectly.
Hopefully the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly and fast! I am wanting to do some comparison pictures of each of my pregnancies and post them on here so keep your eye open for that!
My pregnancy has been going well, the first few months was a killer as always. I was extremely tired and sick but I didn't get near as sick as I did with the other two. I think this time I only threw up twice which is a huge difference for me! After I got over the first trimester it was really nice, I didn't have many symptoms besides a growing belly. We found out what we were having in the middle of December and announced it to everyone on Christmas. Both Steven and I were almost positive it was a boy, even before we got pregnant I felt like we were going to have another boy, so it was a little bit of an adjustment for us when we found out we were having a little girl.
I was able to go on a cruise when I was 18 weeks pregnant and that was quite a change from the cruises I am used to. I absolutely LOVED the cruise and it was pretty great to have any food I wanted at any time and not have to worry about cleaning up after yourself, but it was a little difficult because I still had less energy and still felt a little sick and I wasn't able to do much off the boat like excursions.
Our targeted ultrasound was fun and the kids came to that. They love coming to the doctor to see the baby and this one was even better because they got to see a lot of pictures of her. We got a few decent shots of her and I decided she looks just like Aubree. Everything was good at the apt and the baby was slightly above average in weight (no surprise).
The past 3 weeks or so I have been having the famous lower back pain and just this past week I have had major pain on my right side of my body. I had my sister look at it and she thought I had Piriformis syndrome which is when your sciatic nerve is compressed that causes pain and numbness down one side and leg. So I have been dealing with that recently and hoping that somehow it goes away sooner then 10 weeks! My previous pregnancies I have carried the babies a lot higher and they always seem to kick my ribs like crazy and I am convinced my ribs are broken.. this pregnancy she is already head down and quite far down then what I am used to.. so its quite the change and I think I would chose the ribs over this any day.
My last apt went well, she measured about 3 pounds (29 weeks) and I will start going every two weeks now. The doctor thinks she is average weight at the moment.. but I am pretty sure that is what she has thought with the other two as well. So far no talk on having this baby any earlier then a week which would put me at May 8th, but we will see how my pain is and such as the weeks go on.
I am excited to have this little one in our lives and finally feel like our family is complete. I look forward to the future with the kids as they grow and play and learn. We are also excited to finally have our whole house to ourselves and let the kids have their own rooms.
As for the pregnancy, things are going well. We have decided to name her Casidy Blair Rounds. Blair is a family name from my dads side, it was actually my grandmothers maiden name, I thought it was a cute girl name and I also wanted to get my dads side of the name in our family somewhere so it is going to work perfectly.
Hopefully the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly and fast! I am wanting to do some comparison pictures of each of my pregnancies and post them on here so keep your eye open for that!
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Aubree at 20 months old

Aubree at 20 months old was quite the handful! She is becoming very independent and doesnt like people to help her with anything. She puts her own shoes on but has been doing that for months, she tries to dress herself and she often puts on Korbins underwear that she steals from his drawer. She is a mini-mommy and is always concerned if someone is hurt or sad and will always help if someone needs help (or try to help). She absolutely loves her baby dolls and loves to give them naps in her bed. She always tells me "sshh.. baby s-eepin". Its cute and a little scary at the same time.. she is going to want to be a big helper once lil sis is here. She loves playing outside and loves getting on bikes, it is still cold outside so she often gets sad because we cant go out and play. She is a little OCD and has to have everything her way, if something is in the wrong spot she will make sure it put away correctly. Her and Korbin are really good friends (most of the time) and have such a blast playing with each other. She is a dare devil and if she see's Korbin do it, she will try it. She loves her fruit snacks as well as ALL candy. Another thing she has just started to become obsessed with is the tv show "Umizoomi." Obsessed is an understatement. I think we watch this show at least 10 times a day. She also has started showing interest in the Ipad now.
This little girl is super silly and such a good helper. We look forward to watching her grow and watching her become a good big sister.
She had to sit in the laundry basket to eat her applesauce.
My cute kids at church.
Kids being silly.
Bath time!
She seems to think that under her shirt is a hidden pocket. We always find stuff in her shirt later in the day.
I ask her to smile, she does this..
Then I eventually get the real smile out of her.
Watching Mickey Mouse on the Ipod.
This is how she watches Umizoomi.. or she will be standing 3 inches away from it.
Another "smile" picture. haha
She had this fabulous idea of sticking a straw in an applesauce to go and thought it was super funny..which it was.
The waterfall hair!
She loves making messes.
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