Casidy is now 9 months old and growing up too fast! Casidy is learning soo many different things and so quickly. We had to move her crib all the way to the lowest level, she started pulling herself up on everything and loves to try to be a big girl. She loves people food like pancakes, hotdogs, peaches, pears, bread, cheese, cereal, etc. She is great at feeding herself and is now working on using sippy cups. She is 18lbs now, is in 9-12 month clothing and she is in size 2 diapers. She drinks 7 oz of formula and table food. She sleeps 2-3 naps a day, goes to sleep at 6:30pm and wakes up around 8am. She still has no teeth and no teeth even trying to pop through. She loves to smile and flirt with people. She loves playing "peekaboo" and loves to try to sing "twinkle, twinkle" with mommy. She is a grabby pants and grabs things really fast! This month she has RSV and it wasn't fun at all. Luckily she didn't have to be hospitalized or have any type of oxygen help. She did have a lot of drainage so we got a nose suction machine to help clear everything out. She got over it in a little over a week and was quickly back to normal. She is a quiet baby that is pretty much happy to do anything. She goes to nap and bed very easily and wakes up talking and smiling. This girl is just the cutest and we love her!

Valentines Day
Great Grandma Fiet and Casidy
Free Zoo day!!
Sick RSV baby :(
RSV baby :(
Standing tall like a big girl!
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