Well I have a few things to say in the next post or two.. so here goes!! Steven and I have been keeping ourselves busy (not by choice) as we continue to work full time and go to school full time. Our Spring semester is almost over and ends the last week of April, so now it starts the more stressful part of the semester! I personally will just be happy to be done! This semester hasn't been too bad for me, I have enjoyed my time in the children's lab and I will miss all those kids this summer! It has been a huge joy to me and I love watching them grow! This summer I am planning to go to summer semester and take 15 credit hours.. I am not excited! One of the classes is called "Cooperative Work Experience" which is basically I have to get a job at a preschool and work 135 hrs (I have to get paid, which is a plus!). So I have been running around trying to find any preschool that will hire me for 3 months, which is hard for more then one reason! My other classes should be okay and I hope that I can handle it.
Steven applied for the Education program again in Feb. We both didn't make it last semester and I was really sad about it. I found another way around the program and plan to graduate May 2010. Steven has no other way around this then to actually go through the program. Well anyway we got the letter in the mail from the Education Dept and it stated that Steven was accepted! I was sooo soo excited for him, and extremely proud of him! He is such a hard worker in everything he does! So that is a huge relief off our shoulders and now on to the rest of the stress! Hopefully Steven will be able to graduate in May 2011, so a year after me.. so come May of 11, we will be the two happiest people on the planet!! This has been such a long hard road for us. I chose to fail many classes as I was having fun with boys, and Steven chose to go on a mission. So we both got set back a few years. Now we are getting closer and closer to where we want to be and it brings such hope to us! I know it sounds corny but our whole life is at a stand still until we both graduate! It sucks! We are completely and udderly waiting to graduate so we can finally start our life! Now that Steven has got accepted we can continue to look forward to the upcoming semester only because its one semester closer to being done!
On Saturday Steven and I did the annual 5k that we do every year. This is a Goldenwest sponsored 5k where all the money goes towards the schools, so of course Steven's family is always big on this one. If you didn't know.. Steven's family teaches.. we have his grandmother that was a teacher, mother that is a teacher, father that is a principal, brother that is a teacher, and a sister that is a teacher, and as you know.. Steven and I will both be teachers as well! Anyway, back to the story.. So we did the 5k! I dont really like 5k's.. I hate them, I hate running, and I hate exercising! But I always chose to sign up and do it! I think it is more because the 5k makes you do 3.1 miles and you dont want to quit, so you gotta do it! Plus I always enjoy the free shirts! ha ha.. This year was much better then last year because it wasn't so cold! But this year we also came more prepared! Steven is a born runner so he likes to kind of run on his own, and I always get lucky and have someone willing to run/walk with me. This year it was one of my bestest friends and sis in law Rachel. She was such a good sport with me because I am soo out of shape! She kind of let me chose when to walk or run, but she pushed me too. I enjoyed running with her and was glad for her company! So thanks Rache!! Rachel and I ended up running it in 37 mins, and Steven ran it in 21 mins. I was quite proud because I beat my last years time! ha ha, sad I know! But here are some pictures of the wonderful hell I call our 5k!
Steven applied for the Education program again in Feb. We both didn't make it last semester and I was really sad about it. I found another way around the program and plan to graduate May 2010. Steven has no other way around this then to actually go through the program. Well anyway we got the letter in the mail from the Education Dept and it stated that Steven was accepted! I was sooo soo excited for him, and extremely proud of him! He is such a hard worker in everything he does! So that is a huge relief off our shoulders and now on to the rest of the stress! Hopefully Steven will be able to graduate in May 2011, so a year after me.. so come May of 11, we will be the two happiest people on the planet!! This has been such a long hard road for us. I chose to fail many classes as I was having fun with boys, and Steven chose to go on a mission. So we both got set back a few years. Now we are getting closer and closer to where we want to be and it brings such hope to us! I know it sounds corny but our whole life is at a stand still until we both graduate! It sucks! We are completely and udderly waiting to graduate so we can finally start our life! Now that Steven has got accepted we can continue to look forward to the upcoming semester only because its one semester closer to being done!
On Saturday Steven and I did the annual 5k that we do every year. This is a Goldenwest sponsored 5k where all the money goes towards the schools, so of course Steven's family is always big on this one. If you didn't know.. Steven's family teaches.. we have his grandmother that was a teacher, mother that is a teacher, father that is a principal, brother that is a teacher, and a sister that is a teacher, and as you know.. Steven and I will both be teachers as well! Anyway, back to the story.. So we did the 5k! I dont really like 5k's.. I hate them, I hate running, and I hate exercising! But I always chose to sign up and do it! I think it is more because the 5k makes you do 3.1 miles and you dont want to quit, so you gotta do it! Plus I always enjoy the free shirts! ha ha.. This year was much better then last year because it wasn't so cold! But this year we also came more prepared! Steven is a born runner so he likes to kind of run on his own, and I always get lucky and have someone willing to run/walk with me. This year it was one of my bestest friends and sis in law Rachel. She was such a good sport with me because I am soo out of shape! She kind of let me chose when to walk or run, but she pushed me too. I enjoyed running with her and was glad for her company! So thanks Rache!! Rachel and I ended up running it in 37 mins, and Steven ran it in 21 mins. I was quite proud because I beat my last years time! ha ha, sad I know! But here are some pictures of the wonderful hell I call our 5k!
After the race Steven had some MAJOR pain in his elbow, and sadly this has not been the first time he has had this pain before. So we decided to go to Instacare to have it checked out.. finally. So we went..waited for about an hour there and then he saw the doctor. Well I guess according to the doctor.. Steven basically has a 60 yr old mans arm/elbow. Steven broke or fractured his elbow when he was around 10 and never got the chance to go to the doctor to fix it.. so the bone just grew back but made his arm lose a lot of range of motion.. so because of that his elbow is always rubbing on bone and cartilage. So now he basically has arthritis and in constant pain. The doctor gave us a name of a specialist to go to, so I plan to make the apt tomorrow. This doctor said that he doesnt know if the specialist can do anything.. but best case senario is that the specialist breaks his bone (again) and puts it back to how it should be.. this would be major pain for my Stevie and he would obviously have a cast for a majority of the summer! Worst case senario is that they wont be able to do anything and Steven will be in constant pain the rest of his life, and more pain anytime he does athletics (which is his favorite thing in the world, oh and going to be his job!!) So we are hoping they can figure something out, I really hope that he can get his range of motion back and lose that aweful pain!
Well I think this is plenty long for one single blog! I hope to start blogging more frequently as the semester dwindles down and I have more exciting stuff to talk about!!
Well I think this is plenty long for one single blog! I hope to start blogging more frequently as the semester dwindles down and I have more exciting stuff to talk about!!