BEAR LAKE 2009 (our annual trip with the Shaw/Rounds Fam)

The boys!

Ryker and I

Ryker trying to be like Grandpa

Steven and I all bundled up.

The sticky tree sapped tree! My mom thought of a good way to not get sap on your arms.. use saran wrap!!

The three little buddies! Ryker, Lexi, Dalin

Casey acting cool at the beach.
These pictures are when we were fixing our swamp cooler. YUCK!

The filthy, mold infested swamp cooler pads that have been there for well over 3 years.. which might be a cause of all our sicknesses this year!

Dan and Steven on the roof.

Steven's Dad, Dan, and Steven trying to figure out how to put a motor back on the swamp cooler.

Steven's Dad Randy, and Steven's Grandma watching from the porch as the other two boys work.
These are pictures of the ReAL SL soccer game on the 3rd of July.. Firework show!

Ryker with part of a streamer on his head!

Steven and I at the game!

Me, Ryker, and Megan sportin the streamers on our heads!

My Dad, Mom, and baby Jaxson

Ryker looking through binoculars.. funny!

Jaxson Terry

Steven and I trying to get a cool picture with the fireworks

Steven and I

My bro Travis, Jaxson, Laura, and Ryker

Mormon Tabernacle Choir

View from my seat! It was awesome by the way!!

Me before the concert.. sometimes I actually do my hair!

Steven and I before the concert.
And another ReAL game with Steven's family!

The skydivers bringing the game ball and the American Flag

Left to Right- Devin, Leslee, Rachel, Ryan, Steven, and Me!

Rachel and I

Stevie and I
And that is it for now!!