So as of today I have reached the 26 week mark! Yay!! I get more and more excited each week because I know I am one step closer to seeing my lil stud! These past 26 weeks have seriously flown by and I can thank school a lot for keeping me busy! But the 26 weeks have been good, and my lil man has been moving around like a crazy mad man! I first felt him move at week 16, which I hear is really early for that. Week 17 Steven got to feel him move, and the past 4 weeks or so I have been watching him move my belly around like jello. It has been fun to see how big and strong he is getting.
My morning sickness finally went away around week 17 and now I am just enjoying the fact that I am not sick and I am not so big that it is too hard to move. Everyone that I see always comments that I am not "big" at all. I have finally decided that not being big is a good thing! So I am glad I am not big especially for being 6 months pregnant.
I crave a lot of food.. it is nothing like a crazy crave where I have to have it, but there are some things that I want to eat over other things as well as some things I could eat all day everyday.. here are some examples.. Golden Graham Cereal.. YUMMY! I eat them for breakfast every morning.. I think I have had that cereal every day since about week 10, no joke.. I am afraid I will be very sick of them when I am not pregnant anymore. I also really enjoy BBQ Chips.. especially when I see someone else eating chips! I love anything cold like shakes, ice cream, icee's etc.. and they are ALWAYS delicious! For some reason I love Tootsie Rolls even more now then I used to! I also enjoy yogurt and fruit! Oh how I wish watermelon was in season cause I really think I would just eat watermelon all day everyday. Oh and you cant forget my obsession with Smores Poptarts!
I haven't been having any problems sleeping. I always slept on my side before I was pregnant, so I haven't had to switch how I sleep, which is good! I think everything else is going well!
We have an appointment on Wednesday which we are always excited about! Our 3D Ultrasound was fun about a month ago and they confirmed that we are having a boy! He was facing down so the Dr. was having a hard time getting a picture of his face, but we finally got a side view! He is a little stud if I may say so myself!
Anyway, there is my little update!

22 weeks.. Baby Rounds cute little face!

22 weeks.. Baby Rounds flexing his muscle.. he is very strong!
I love your pregnant belly, so cute. I am glad that things are going well. 3-D pictures are awesome as well and I can't wait to see the cute little guy and what your naming him. =)
He's a strong little boy. It gets closer every day. Time is going by way too fast.
Glad things are going healthy and well.
You are so cute! I love that you wrote about what you crave! That will be fun to go back and read, especially when you are pregnant again, then you can see if you like the same stuff or not! I can't wait to see what this little guy looks like, I know he will be just darling!
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