As for Korbin, he weighed 9 lbs 1 oz when we left the hospital and less then one week later he weighed 9 lbs 13 oz, so I think he just might be a chunker! He has the strongest little neck that I have EVER seen on a newborn and his legs are very strong as well! I was holding him the other day and he pushed off me to stand up! CRAZY! He is a good little eater and a good sleeper. He usually only eats once or twice during the night, so I am able to get more sleep. He is a good little baby and we absolutely love him!
Steven being a good uncle and taking Dalin down the slide
Some of the crew that went swimming.
Steven and Devin after going down the slide at the same time. It resulted in some sore elbows and ribs. They had fun though!
This might possibly be one of my favorite pictures of Korbin.
Rachel and Bailey camping. Rachel was singing to her and giving her tickles, it was cute.
Steven, Ryan, and Devin getting ready to go down the freezing river on their bellies (I dont know who thought this would be a good idea!?)
Ryan going after Devin's flip flop after the belly event. About 4 seconds after I took this Ryan turned his ankle on a rock. He is now limping and the flip flop was never recovered.
Grandpa Rounds and Korbin, this was cute cause you don't see Grandpa Rounds hold tiny babies too often.
Daddy and Korbin camping
Mommy and Korbin on his first camping trip.
Korbin's first Dr. appt
His first bath!
That little baby has had an eventful couple weeks. -I am glad you got a good picture of those guys in the water camping. I was in the water with them when I was down there so I didn't get a very good one. Ryan is STILL limping, poor guy. Very cute picture of Korbin with Grandpa. :)
Nice to see we got some nice pictures to remember this stuff. My favorites are Devin's Larry Miller elbow, Ryan running down the river, and Korbin looking sideways (second to last picture)! If I had to pick a picture to describe Korbin that would be it.
Korbin has already been on quite a few adventures! Lucky boy! He is darling! And you seem so happy! I love it! :)
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