This was our first Halloween with a new addition to our family. The past 4 1/2 years we have just been a couple, where holidays were fun and exciting, but there was always something missing. Now that the holiday season has started I have noticed that missing piece was our little boy! Even though he is only 3 months old our Halloween was already better than it ever has been. We are completely looking forward to this season. I find myself looking to the future getting exciting for each holiday and feeling so happy that he is in our lives.
For Halloween it started with the famous Ryan and Rachel family Halloween party. That was a lot of fun and Steven has continued his winning streak of the Cauldron toss.
We went with my family to pick out pumpkins, unfortunately we were late in the season and there wasn't too many choices, plus it was raining..so no cute pictures there. Steven and I carved pumpkins a few days before Halloween. Steven carved Korbin's pumpkin, I think he liked it :)
On the 30th we went Trunk or Treating at Steven's parents ward. We didn't go around to get candy, but it was fun to see costumes and give out candy as well as visit with the family.
After that we headed over to my parents house and ate Taco Soup which is a Halloween tradition and sat by the fire to watch ReAL play.
Next year is going to be even better because this little boy will understand a little more about holidays. We are excited for the years to come!
1 comment:
Dalin - "Mom that's Korbin. He's a pirate. Mom why is he a pirate, is he pretending?"
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