At Korbin's 4 month appointment-
He weighed 18.28 lbs (96%)
Length 26.77 in (96%)
Head size 16.9 in (70%)
At his 2 month appointment his head size was in the 41% so I guess his head has grown a lot since then.
Korbin absolutely LOVES to stand. He has gotten so good that I only have to hold him with one finger on one hand, basically just to help him balance. He enjoys wiggling like crazy and will wiggle off our lap. He hasn't yet rolled over but I blame that mostly on my lack on putting him on his tummy. When I do put him on his belly he is sooo close to rolling over.
He loves grabbing toys and hair and anything else he can put in his mouth, he even takes the wash cloth in the bath and tries to help. He is such a talker, he just talks and talks and talks and I absolutely love it! He still hates his car seat, but is getting better little by little. He loves his swing and whenever I really need him to sleep I can just put him in there and he will almost always go to sleep. He is a sound sleeper, usually doesn't wake up to much. Even the 5 rowdy boys screaming in the living room (playing video games). He is a major thumb sucker, which is fine..we tried the binky for months but he never really wanted it, so now we have just accepted the fact that the only way he can soothe himself is to suck his thumb.
Just recently he has been sucking it so much and so hard that he has a blister. OUCH! Luckily it is getting better. We started him on cereal at 4 months and just recently gave him baby food, Squash. Not sure if he likes it, hates it, or loves it. But he is always excited to get in his high chair.
He is such a happy baby when he wakes up..which he didn't get from either of us! But it makes my day to go get him out of his crib and he is smiling his big smile. He usually just lays in there for awhile before he cries, so he lets me sleep a little longer.
He is a perfect little boy and we just love him to pieces! I can't believe how fast they grow!
His stats are amazing! I like the bum in the air picture. It's like he's doing the downward facing dog in yoga. :)
So cute! They really do grow so fast! He'll be running around before you know it!
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