Okay, First of all I wanted to post my pictures that we got taken for our Christmas cards. We spent the night with my family in SLC and got some fun pictures at the Joseph Smith Building. My wonderful sister took the pictures as always and did a fabulous job! Thanks sister, you are amazing!
So Korb is now 5 months old! Oh how crazy time goes by when you have little ones!! He is such a little character already! I love that his personality is coming out! As of today he can finally roll from back to front, and front to back. He could roll from back to front for a few weeks now, but just today he decided he wanted to roll front to back. It was funny because he did it so easily. Anyway, it is very exciting and I am glad he is now a rolly polly!
I watch Makayla every morning. Chunky Monkeys! |
He loves his cousins! Makayla, Leah, and Korbin |
He loves his mommy and daddy. |
He visited Santa a few weeks ago and did surprisingly well. He asked for some loud obnoxius toys! ;) |
He is such a happy baby! He LOVES to smile and smiles all the time. I love his big smile. He doesn't laugh much, actually I think I have heard him laugh maybe 4 times, but he does love to smile. |
This is how the little rascal sleeps. One arm up and one over his eyes. |
I put this on so you could see his chunkiness! |
He can now hold his bottle and loves to do it all on his own. |
Korb with his favorite toy "Donivan". This is a teether thingy and he absolutely LOVES it!! |
Love this picture! He is always putting his hand on his head, silly boy! |
He is growing up soo fast! He loves to stand and is always getting better at that. I think if his arms were stronger he would be able to just stand against something for a long time. He is a very good sleeper. Still sleeps about 12 hrs at night and then takes one or two 3 hr naps during the day. He is a good nap taker and can easily take a nap anywhere we go. We put him down for a nap at Ryan and Rachel's house (Steven's bro) and their daughter Kyla was helping me..I put him on the ground and she was so concerned that he was sleeping on the ground, she kept saying.."the ground isn't comfortable!" Anyway, he sleeps anywhere and can sleep through about anything. He loves to eat baby food and wishes he could eat people food. He stares at us everytime we eat and usually has to eat when we do (of course!). His favorite food right now is peas and he HATES beans..oddly enough. He also really enjoys his cereal. He started saying "mmmm" when he eats sometimes. His new favorite thing to do while I am feeding him is to suck his thumb and when I get the spoon ready he takes his thumb out and grabs my hand to "help" me feed him. Of course this is about the messiest way to feed him, but he loves to help. His new favorite activity that he started doing about a week ago is to hang upside down. He could do that for days if we let him. I am also teaching him a little sign language and I think he is catching on fast, hopefully that will help him communicate when he gets a little older. He wants to put anything and everything in his mouth. He can sit on his own, but he usually choses not to because he gets too excited over things and arches backwards.
I posted a Merry Christmas video down below..check it out, it is funny!
Oh goodness I can't believe he is 5 months old already! He is darling and a chunk! I love it! There is nothing better than a chubby baby! I hope you guys enjoy your first Christmas with him. Christmas is so much more fun when you have kids! :)
Can't believe your baby is 5 months already. He is growing fast! Fun photos!!!
Wow! 5 months already! He is adorable! You guys look so happy! What a cute family!
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