How about a flashback?? This picture was taken when we were dating 5 1/2 yrs ago. cute :)
Yesterday was our 5 year anniversary! We made it! People say that the first few years are the hardest, and if that is the is going to continue to be amazing. Our first few years have been awesome, with little stress. I feel like we are pretty lucky to have each other and understand each other so well. For our anniversary this year we didnt do much. We went to go see The Adjustment Bureau.. which is awesome might I add! My parents wanted to come join us, so it was a fun little outing. I think we are going to really celebrate it on our cruise which is in less than one month!YAY!! We have thought about getting a massage on the boat, but mostly we will be able to relax, have fun, and have little to no worries. We are both extremely excited about that!
A little about why I love Steven.. He is the most caring, loving person I know. He would do anything for me and his friends and family. He has strong values which help me become a better person. He is the cutest dad I have ever seen and you can see his love for that little boy in his eyes. He is athletic and pushes me to want to be more active. He doesnt judge anyone. He is a hardworker. He is a funny, sarcastic guy. He loves me for who I am and doesnt want to change me. And well I could go on and on, but I am sure you have read enough ;) But he is wonderful and I am extremely grateful to have him in my life forever and eternity! Happy 5 years babe!
Golden West 5K
So on March 26th was the annual 5K for the schools (Golden West 5K). I always get excited to sign up for them, but once the day gets here I always wonder why I wanted to do it in the first place! Anyway, This past month or so I have been trying to get into a little better shape so I have been going to the gym, so I had hoped that the gym would have made it less miserable for me. Unfortunately I quickly realized that running 2 miles on a treadmil was completely different than running on the road. My normal running partner wasnt able to do it this year, so I ran with Leslee most of the way. The sad thing was that Devin (Leslee's husband, my bro in law) was pushing both Korbin and Makayla..who arent the lightest babies, and ended up beating me by a good 3 mins. I ended up running the last mile or so by myself because I had to stop. Anyway, I had my best time so far in the 5K's I have done, which isnt really that good. But I was proud of myself and as always, I will do it again next year. Here are some pictures of the gang. Also of Korb and I (with my red face) at home after the race. He did really well and just enjoyed the ride. Oh and did I mention that it was freezing out there?! Burr..... 

ReAL Salt Lake game!
So this game was the same day as the 5K so it was a pretty busy day for us. Rachel spent the whole day in SL standing in line to get us all tickets, and then waiting for us for about an hour outside in the freezing cold. We had planned to leave the house about 30 mins before but Grandma had forgotten she was watching the kids. Anyway, we ended up getting there on time and we got to enjoy every minute of the game. Wow, that game was soo amazing! We got to sit at the upper deck which Steven and I hadn't been to before and it was awesome up there! We were away from the rain and got to see everything. It was a lot of fun to go to that game and it was fun that we got to hang out with some family (Ryan, Rachel, and Leslee, Devin)! And it seemed like our luck or shall I say bad luck followed us..the guy directly in front of Steven stood almost the whole game, even when there was nothing happening so Steven couldn't see unless he stood up..which he wasnt too happy about. I understand that you gotta stand sometimes, it was an awesome game, but really? The entire time?! Anyway..Thank you Rachel for spending your day off standing in line in the freezing cold! :)
Just a random picture of Korb and I before my soccer game. I thought it was soo cute I just had to post it! :) I love that kid!
Gotta love ReAL!!!! Ryan STILL keeps reminding me about how I missed the best part of that game!! Dangit. I hope we make it to more games
Congrats on 5 years!
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