Well I thought I would do a little update on our family and what is new, old, and just entertaining. I usually just blog on Korbin and his updates so I thought as I was sitting here at work I should blog about all of us. About a month ago I was entered into a drawing because I did this fitness thing at work and I won a 3 month membership to Golds Gym! Note: before this I had NEVER won ANYTHING... like the only time I ever won was when every person won, so I would get a bar of chocolate or something gay like that. Anyway, I thought that was exciting! Then about 2 weeks ago I entered a drawing on KSL and I won again! It must have been my lucky month! So I won 8 tickets to this motorsports thing in Tooele this weekend. Well I work all weekend and didn't really want to find a babysitter for that so I decided to sell the tickets. I got $220 out of the tickets (now I wish I would have sold them for more!)..and as I was thinking about what I wanted to spend this random $220 I realized I knew exactly what I wanted.. what was it you ask?? A king size bed! ha ha.. Lately Korb has been getting teeth so he has only wanted to sleep with us which makes the bed SUPER crowded. So anyway I found a used king bed on KSL for $100 (no headboard) and then I decided I wanted a memory foam on it as well so I found a lady selling new memory foam for $25 (4inches).. so needless to say.. I got the king bed and the memory foam (8 inches of it!) and we slept awesome last night! It looks quite funny because the bed is about a foot higher than the other furniture, but man I felt like I was sleeping in the clouds! And I didnt even know Steven was in bed with me. So I was impressed with my findings and winnings and I am proud to say that I actually have won something cool!
Steven is done with school for the summer. This was by far the hardest semester for him.. he had to do such ridiculous things and it took soo much time out of his week. So we are all happy he is done with it and passed. Next semester he starts his level and then next Spring (2012) he will finally graduate!! Yay!
I am still working at the Weber County Jail and I work part time. Working part time and hurt us money wise, but it has been soooo nice being home with Korb that it makes not having money all worth it. :)
Our little doggie Jimmy died a few weeks ago when we were on vacation. He got out of our backyard and got hit by a car. We didn't find out until we got home a week later that he died, and we were glad no one told us until then. It is very quiet now at home and the crumbs on the floor dont seem to clean themselves up anymore. Korb loved his little doggie and loved watching him run around. Maybe one day we will get another dog, but not for a very long time.
We are getting excited for the nice weather to show up, we have some fun plans! We are going to spend the summer at Raging Waters, Raymonds pool, The Tree house, our backyard, at drive ins, camping, golfing, and anything else we can think of.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Im done!
Well I have officially hit the wall of searching for a new job. Over the past year I have been looking DAILY for any type of job that is in the schools. I haven't been picky at all, just hoping to get my foot in the door somewhere, anywhere. Well I thought that I would have some good attributes since I have my degree and I have a good work ethic. I guess I was wrong. The past year I have been to over 15 job interviews and I haven't got any of them. Here is a question.. how on earth does a person (I wont list her name) get a job in a school with no experience, no real goals, and terrible work eithic, and yet I cant get ONE offer for a job. I dont feel like I am going above my range and I dont feel like I am picky. So either I interview really really bad (which could easily be the case), or I have the worst luck in the world (which also could be the case). I dont know what to do. I am so exhausted from looking for jobs, going to interviews, and hoping they call me. I think I will just be at my crappy going nowhere job for the rest of my life because I am done looking for a job and I am done hoping that there is a job out there for me.
This last job that I interviewed for looked pretty nice.. it was a comp lab teacher where I would help kids with the computer. It was awesome hours and I had above the qualifications for it. I even had an amazing connection. The interview I thought went really well. I had them laughing and joking with me, and then they all seemed impressed with me, or so I thought.
Well as you can guess.. I didnt get the job. I just dont feel like I am asking too much to get a job doing something in the schools. I dunno what to think anymore.. my confidence is shattered and Im exhausted.
This last job that I interviewed for looked pretty nice.. it was a comp lab teacher where I would help kids with the computer. It was awesome hours and I had above the qualifications for it. I even had an amazing connection. The interview I thought went really well. I had them laughing and joking with me, and then they all seemed impressed with me, or so I thought.
Well as you can guess.. I didnt get the job. I just dont feel like I am asking too much to get a job doing something in the schools. I dunno what to think anymore.. my confidence is shattered and Im exhausted.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Korbin @ 9 months
So I am a little behind since Korbin is now almost 10 months old. But here are his 9 month pictures taken by my wonderful sister Megan (Check out her photography blog on the right -Megz Corner-..she does cute stuff!). Anyway.. these pictures turned out super cute and I had a hard time limiting the pictures to the cutest ones.. 
This wasn't posed. He did it all on his own. :)
There was soo many more cute ones, but I figured people probably didnt want to see every single picture :) So this month he has been a productive little boy. Still no crawling but he is getting better and better. He gets up on his hands a knees and doesnt quite know what to do, so he just falls down. He has also started getting on his hands and feet, but has the same outcome. So we are getting there! He loves loves loves to roll..he now directs his path by moving his arms and turning. His new favorite thing right now is to clap his hands! It is soo cute! Everytime I say "Yeah!!" he will clap, or even at soccer/basketball games and others are clapping, he will clap also. He is super proud of himself. I am trying to teach him how to wave, but I have to be careful on how I wave so he doesnt think milk is on its way! (sign language) He absolutely loves his jumper and the roller thingy..he could do both of those all day everyday! He is in love with tags.. hint hint (Collette I will pay you to make me a tag blanket for Korbin)..He loves to chat and has now started talking with his tongue out. Funny! He is still an excellent tongue clicker, I am always amazed at how he learned how to do that soo early! He has now gotten too big for his car seat so we had to buy new car seats to have rear facing. At his doctors appt here were his stats.. (Even the doctor said the length must be wrong..guess I should measure him myself) Weight-23.66lbs (87%) Length 29.25 (77%) Head 18.3 (80 %) His length went from 99% to 77% and his head went from 51% to 80%.. either he has changed big time, or the lady didnt know how to measure.
He got his first two teeth in. The first tooth came in the week before he turned 9 months and the second tooth came in the week after that. It is his two bottom teeth. Now we are waiting for the others to come in..we are okay with them taking its time because he HATED getting teeth.
Towards the end of the 9 month mark he had to move from 12 month clothes to 18 month clothes. He is going through them too quickly! I can barely buy them in enough time for him to outgrow them! Below are some pictures from this month.
I always seem to find him rammed up in the corner when he takes naps.
One day he managed to get the bumper over his head and he jammed his head against the wood posts..you can see the indents on his head! Silly kid!
He started actually picking up the pieces of food and putting them in his mouth. Before he could only pick them up. Now he can feed himself! yay!
Here he is rolling around..he was rolling so much that he wrapped himself up in the blanket.
Sucking on the tag of his toy.
He is getting stronger and can stand against something. Here he is rooting for ReAL! This is a 24 month outfit.
Here he is in his roller.. one of his favorite things. He can only go backwards and in our small kitchen, it doesnt give him much room, but he likes it anyway.
Below this post is another post, so check it out if you are bored!
Easter & Cousins
So of course my last time of working Sunday mornins was on Easter Sunday. I was pretty bummed that I missed Korb's first Easter, but I realized that I didn't really miss much besides him looking at his basket. I got off work at 2pm so I still got to help him with the Easter Egg hunt at my parents, and that was a lot of fun. I was impressed that Korb would actually grab the eggs. Of course he didnt want to let go of them and would grab them out of the bucket once I put them in. It was fun and very nice. We even managed to get a cute Easter picture. My mom would always take a picture of us in our new Easter outfit by the rock, so I thought it was fun that Korb got his taken there also. Luckily Steven remembered my directions to take some pictures of Korbin when he looks through his basket. The pictures turned out cute!
My two handsome boys! Love them!
He refused to let go of the Easter Eggs!
My happy family
So the day before Easter we had a request to get all the young cousins together to get some pictures. Some of the cousins know each other pretty well like Korbin, Makayla, and Leah.. but they don't know too much about Landon and Logan. Of course they are all still super young, but it was fun to get them together and take pictures. As you can see through these pictures..Korbin and Makayla are best friends and love rolling around with each other. It will be crazy in a year or so when they are all running around screaming! Oh boy! What have we gotten ourselves in to!? So the age range is Korbin 9 months old to Landon 2 months old (so they are all within 7 months of each other!)Makayla and Korbin just doing what they do best!
And yet another one of the things they do best.. tackle each other. Makayla and Korbin are one month apart and spend almost everyday together.
Left to Right- Leah (6 months old), Makayla (8 months old), Korb (9 months old), and Logan (4 months old)
Leah, Makayla, Landon, Korbin, Logan
Here is the age chart. Korbin 9 months, Makayla 8 months, Leah 6 months, Logan 4 months, Landon 2 months.
The moms and cousins. We are all in the Randy/Sylvia Rounds family except for Brianne who is in the Raymond/Cindy Rounds family. Me, Leslee, Rachel, Brianne, and Casandra..and babies.
They were supposed to be posing for a picture.. little terds!
We all thought it was funny how you could tell the age gaps with them. The two oldest were sitting up on their own, goofing aroun..the next two were starting to sit up, and the youngest was just sleeping. Cute kiddos.
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