Saturday, December 22, 2012

Our Year in review. 2012

This year has been such a wonderful year! We took a lot of vacations and spent a lot of time with family. As I look back at the year it makes me happy and sad all at the same time. Happy because I am fortunate enough to not only have a perfect little family of my own, and a job, and a nice house, but I have wonderful parents, grandparents, and in laws. I am extremely blessed! And sad.. well, time is going by so fast, everytime I blink another year has past! I have learned to not wish the time away and try to treasure each day.
 -Some big exciting things that happened this year.. Our little princess was born May 5th at a whopping 10 pounds 1 oz! I am still amazed at how a baby could be born that huge! I also fear of what my next child will weigh at birth! ha ha. She is such a good baby that it amazes me sometimes!
 -We found out that my little nephew Griffin has cancer in April. He was 15 months old when we found out. The past year he has been doing chemo and radiation and spent many many days and hours in the hospitals and ER's. He is a strong little guy and we hope by March we are able to say he is in remission!
 -We went on some fun family trips! We were able to go to Yellowstone twice, once with my family, once with Steven's family and it was fun both times and were able to see different stuff each time. (Never did see any Moose or bears). We also went camping a few times with my family in our new tent trailer (which is freakin awesome!) and it was a lot of fun! We also had our annual Park City trip which was a blast and I always look forward to that one! At the end of the year we went to my parents "condo" in SLC a few times (Before Christmas, and we will go again on New years eve).
 -We were able to spend a lot of time with both families and loved it!
-I was on maternity leave the whole summer which was fantastic! I was able to go and do almost everything that was brought up and it was really nice, I was spoiled for sure!
 -We spent  some time at Seven Peaks Water Park which is always a hit with Korbin. He started to become a better swimmer as the summer went on. We ended the summer with him being comfortable swimming on his own (With his floatie) and going under water. He loved all the big slides and waves.
-We have been working on getting Korbin potty trained as well. He does really well but we arent accident free, thats for sure! He has done well and we are proud of him. We enjoy not spending so much on diapers each month!
 -We celebrated our 6 year anniversary!
-Steven graduated college with a Bachelors degree in Physical Education and decided he wanted to stay at his current job and continue moving up there. Since then he has been promoted to Assistant Lead in his area.
-I have tried to become more of a homemaker. Making our home a little more like a home, having a more organized dinner plan, and making my own baby food.

Thank you to all our wonderful friends and family that are always there for us! We love you and are so thankful for our friendships.
Happy New Year! Lets have another amazing year!

Friday, December 14, 2012

7 Month old Aubree!

Well Tis the season! At least that is my excuse for falling behind on the blog. Aubree is now 7 months old! She just keeps getting more and more of a personality each month. She is such a fun, smiley, cute little girl! This month she finally learned how to hold her bottle. She is a good little sitter now and will sit there for as long as I put her down. She loves her jumper and is getting really good at it. She still loves her big brother and thinks he is just the funniest kid on the planet (which he is!). She has such a sweet heart and just goes with the flow. She is starting to enjoy baby food and with gobble down all the fruit! She is definitely a little chunk and she is wearing 9-12 month clothes now! She is growing too fast! Still no teeth, no crawling, and no rolling from belly to back. She ALWAYS rolls from her back to her belly and gets stuck! She is such a good little girl! We love her so much!
 First snow fall of the year!
 Thanksgiving outfit!
 Korb and Bree in Christmas pjs
 I loved this dress so much I had to take a picture of her in it!
 Mommy loves her little girl!
 Bree in her jumper
 Thought this picture was super cute!
Daxton and Aubree.. I think she is a little chunkier! Ha ha, what a chunk!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Family Pictures

We always try to get some cute family pictures for our Christmas cards and this year wasnt any different. We were at Beus pond a few weeks before we got our pictures done and it was so pretty there that I wanted to go back and get some pictures taken. It turned out really well. It is basically impossible to get two kids to smile at the same time. So props to any family that can manage that! Anyway, my sis Megan took them and edited them. They are super cute!

Aubree's 6 month pictures

My sister does an awesome job taking pictures of my kids.. here are some of Aubree's 6 month pictures. They were taken at Beus pond.

Gobble Gobble!!

So I had a previous post about things I was thankful for so now this post can be a few pictures of our fun family day. I absolutely love holidays.. not necessarily because of what the holiday is, but because it gives us an excuse to spend the whole day with family. I love that we have the opportunity to spend time with both families because they are so close.
Thanksgiving was great! We started off the day at the Rounds with 10 crazy kids and 10 adults. Dinner or should I say Lunch was delicious! I think the turkey was extra juicy, and the juice was scrumptious as well! The adults got to all sit at one table, the two year olds at the toddler table, and the bigger kids at the kids table. It was nice to all sit together and have a good lunch. After we played a few games until we had to head to my parents.
My parents Thanksgiving consists of my family, my grandparents, and my great Aunt. Since two of my siblings aren't married and the other one has his own schedule, it was more of a quiet smaller Lunch. It was very unformal and Steven and my brother Casey ended up eating in the living room as they watched football. That food was delicious as well. We got to spend time talking and eating and watching football. My mom didn't feel great so she spent some time in her room (Bummer!).
 After we spent the day at my parents we headed back to his family for some more games. My family likes games but they aren't much of hard strategic games like Steven's family is, so we always enjoy games more from his side of the family. We spent the rest of the night talking, playing games, and eating some more. It was such a great day and I absolutely LOVE my family and my inlaws.. I am so incredibly blessed its crazy!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Aubree, 6 months old already!?

Well I started this post like 2 1/2 weeks ago and for some reason I never finished it! So! Here is Aubree when she was turning 6 months old.
Stats- Weight- 21.75 lbs (off the chart!)
Length 28 in (off the chart!)
Head  42.8 cm (55%)
At 5 months old she continues to grow a cute, silly personality! She is very smiley and is happy almost all of the time. She reminds me so much of Korbin, not only looks, but her personality, things she does, her strong neck and legs, and her loudness. She is not a quiet baby and can talk very loud. She loves to babble and I have heard her say "hi" and "hey" before.. of course that was a one time only thing so far. She still hasn't finished rolling from her belly to her back. Now she just gives up and lays on her belly. She can sit on her own and absolutely LOVES her jumper. She loves her brother and just smiles and giggles at everything he does (even if it involves him standing on her belly!.. darn kid!) She moved to the big bath this month considering she didnt fit in the baby one anymore. And right after her 6 month appt she moved to the big kid car seat.. no carriers for us! She loves her new car seat and will often fall asleep in there.. which is something we dont know about since Korb still hates car seats. She has stayed the same in her eating habits. Still doesnt appreciate baby food and it takes me FOREVER to feed her, but she likes her bottle. She is a lazy eater and doesnt want to hold her bottle. She loves playing with toys, well she loves sucking on toys and is getting very good at grabbing everything. She is just a wondeful baby, rarely cries and we absolutely love her to pieces!

She scoots around, usually ends up with her head jammed somewhere when she is sleeping.
Big bath!
Both kids were sick at the same time (along with Mommy and Daddy) Not fun :(
Jumper.. ignore her milk face!
Mommy, Im so big! :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012


So my SIL put a post on her blog about the top 20 things she was thankful for and I thought it was such a good idea that I decided to do it as well. I have been seeing a ton of people putting things on facebook, but I dont feel the whole world needs to know what I am thankful for, so a blog is a perfect place for it.
(In no order)
#1- My husband. He is the perfect man for me, he is an awesome husband, a cute/fun dad, and my best friend.
#2-My kids. Korbin is such a blast and such a funny kid I love him to pieces! And Aubree is such a sweetheart and rarely cries. They melt my heart!
#3- My family. They are wonderful and I absolutely love spending time with them.
#4- Steven's family. They are the best in-law's I could ever ask for!
#5- Our house. I love our home, I love where it is at and I love that we can rent it out.
#6- Our jobs. I am thankful we both have jobs and jobs that we dont always hate to go to.
#7- Heat. Our heater hasn't been working well lately and it has made me realize how wonderful it is to have a warm house!
#8- Church. We have such a great ward and I have made some good friends who are always willing to help me.
#9- Friends. I dont have many friends from HS and such that I keep in contact with, but the friends I do still have are the best I could ask for.
#10- Health. Healthy kids and healthy parents. I am so grateful my kids are healthy and have no serious problems with them.
#11- Money. We have been super duper blessed with money! Because of the generosity we have been able to pay for college as well as many upgrades on our house and own both our cars.
#12- Treadmills and Zumba. I have been trying to lose the baby weight for 6 months now and I am just one pound away from it. I am thankful for those two things that have helped me lose the weight.
#13- Vacations. We have been blessed to go on many vacations with our families and have wonderful family that watches our kids when we are away.
#14- Babysitters. We have the best family when it comes to babysitting. I am soooo thankful for the people that are willing to watch our kids while we are working. What a difference it makes when you know your kids are in good hands.
#15- My Talents- I just started picking up sewing again like I used to and I am so excited to show off all my cool quilts and stuff that I have been making.
#16- My vehicles- I cant imagine not having two reliable cars!
#17-Cruises. Yes, they need their own category! They are so nice to go on and get a break from life once in awhile.
#18-Babies. I am thankful that I have been able to have my very own kids! I cant imagine how hard it would be to never be able to have your own children.
#19- Fruit trees. I love going out in my backyard and picking delicious fruit off the tree. And making things from the delicious trees!
#20-Food storage. I just recently decided we really needed to stock up on stuff, so I am thankful we are finally getting some food storage!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Party- Trunk or Treat

Last Saturday was the annual Rounds Halloween party. Rachel (sis in law) does a halloween party at her house every year with games, food, and fun, this year was no different. I dont really enjoy dressing up (Dont tell Rachel).. but I always do something so I can come to the party. Steven has had in his mind for YEARS about how he wants to be Dr. Evil and how he was going to shave his head. I of course was hoping that one day the idea would fade, but it turns out he was serious. He shaved his head, put a scar on his face and got his costume ready. It turned out pretty well. Originally we were all going to be marvel-ish characters.. me Catwoman, Korb Batman, Steven Bane, and Aubree The Hulk.. and well you can see how well that turned out.. Korb and I were the only ones to kind of stick with the plan. But it all turned out well I think.
This is Steven's half shaved head. Bye hair!
Clark Kent/superman.. the glasses werent perfect but they got the point acrossed.

My niece Bailey the vampire.
Aubree and Daxton.. cousins (3 1/2 months apart)
Grandpa and his mini me.
Aubree my skeleton :)
Playing Bloody Brains.. he LOVED this game!

Tunk or Treat-
We went trunk or treating last night at Ryan and Rachels ward. Our ward doesnt do it and we usually crash Steven's parents one but it is on Halloween this year so we decided to hit Ryan and Rachels instead. It was fun and turned out well. Korb got a full size candy bar and some other yummy snacks. Steven was excited to pass out some candy to the kids also.

Thanks for coming to our blog! We hope you enjoy reading about our life and please leave a comment so we know you stopped by!!