Monday, February 18, 2013

Aubree is 9 months!

Length: 29 inches (90%)
Weight: 24.5 lbs (Off the chart)
Head: 44.4 cm (60%)
Aubree is such a joy to be around. She is such a happy girl who is content to do nothing, or everything. This past month she has finally decided she wanted to roll around everywhere and now she gets into EVERYTHING! She rolls all around the house and pulls on wires, turns on the stereo, eats stuff off the carpet, and just the other day she found the door stopper and started flicking it because it makes noise. It quickly gave me a flash back to when Korbin realized how fun that "toy" was. She loves to jabber and talk very loud (just like brother). She doesn't have any teeth yet but she has been teething for a few weeks so it has got to be coming soon! She just moved to 8 oz each feeding about a week ago and she is finally enjoying baby food. It's funny because she will eat really well with me, but terrible with Steven. Not sure why, but its funny. She eats any food and loves the little baby treats that she gets. She does really well with picking up the treats and putting them in her mouth. She is starting to try new big people food and seems really excited about that. She just moved to 18 month clothing and I am hoping she starts to slow down soon because there are too many cute clothes that she isn't wearing! She sleeps good at night but nap times have been a struggle lately. Hopefully its just from teething and she can go back to good naps when they pop through. She isn't crawling yet but she is definitely making improvements to start crawling. She is a very good clapper and is starting to try to wave. She absolutely adores her brother and loves when he pays any attention to her. Just the other day Korbin wanted to take a bath with her and that melted my heart. He is so cute with her and she loved being in there with him. She enjoys music and I often catch her bobbing her head or tapping her hands or wiggling to the beat. She seems to be pretty brave, she likes to be upside down and thrown up in the air, she also loves her baths and splashing around.

 She always grabs Korb's ball and plays with it while she jumps.

 Always falling asleep on the job!
 Korb took this picture! Pretty impressive!

 Her rolling skills!
 At the Dr's.. they had RSV for the second time in one winter!
I love her hat!

 Daddy.. I was hungry!


Casandra said...

Love the wedgie! Her hair is gettting long!

Rachel said...

I like the passed out with the bottle pictures.

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