Friday, March 8, 2013

Aubree is 10 months old!

I have been looking forward to the one year mark for this little one a lot lately. I know doctors say that your child needs to be facing backwards for the first two years, but I always switch them at the one year mark.. and considering my kids are always bigger then normal I figure its okay. Aubree did have to go to a bigger car seat after 6 months! Anyway, I also am excited to start her on whole milk. I absolutely hate paying for formula! So another two months!
Anyway, Aubree is doing well! She started army crawling at about 9 months 1 week and she crawls everywhere! I have quickly realized how my house is NOT baby proof anymore. She loves to eat anything off the carpet like the carpet itself, hair, wrappers, orange peels (from Korbin), and anything else she can find. Her favorite places to crawl to are the kitchen under the table, and the bathroom. Yes I know, great places and nice and clean! Not! She has started a high squeal that breaks every ones eardrums, Korbin gets quite mad at her for that. She loves when her big brother plays with her, especially when he sits on her and plays with her (not my idea!). She is still in 18 month clothing thank goodness and still drinks 8 oz of formula each feeding. She hasn't eaten any food she doesn't like yet (which is great!) and absolutely loves trying to be a big girl. She loves crackers and fries. Her hair is getting super long and I am starting to get a little more creative with how to do it. It is a lot of fun and such a difference then with a boy. She can almost get herself into a sitting position and is getting close to doing the real crawl. She is also starting to pull herself onto things and into things like our entertainment center and the step stool. She loves to spit (which we don't love) and play with her tongue. She is a cute chunker and we love her to pieces! Still no teeth but we are hoping soon!
Here are some pictures of the past month.

1 comment:

Casandra said...

She is getting so big. I love her chubs.

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