Many of you know that I'm planning on teaching high school Physical Education & Health classes. I'm still a few years away from getting to that point but I still think about it all the time. I'm also planning on coaching some high school sports.
I love to PLAY sports and watch sports, so I figure this a great career for me. I wonder what it will really be like when I finally get there. I'm sure there are politics and other B.S. that I will hate dealing with.
My biggest concern is just my competative nature in general. I hate to lose, and I hate when people aren't giving 100% when it comes to sports. I can handle a little joking around and stuff when it's just a game of pick-up basketball or something, but if it's a league or a serious game I don't have patience for screw offs. I'm probably going to have to realize that not everybody cares as much about winning, and some people are just playing to "have fun." To me winning is fun, and playing a hard fought game is fun. I'm the kid that cried every time I lost at something. I cried when I lost at cards, basketball, soccer, or video games! I still feel like crying sometimes as a full grown adult when I lose a tough game, but I don't wanna be a weiner!
I figure that kids in High School are all pretty competative or they wouldn't be trying to make the team. I guess I'll find out when I get there. It's going to be tough for me if I have teams that don't play their hardest. I don't wanna be the crazy coach that yells and screams so much that the players hate me and don't wanna play for me. On the other hand I can't be the guy that lets kids screw around and walk on me, or they won't listen to me.
I also worry about strategy and coaching tactics. I have played a lot of sports but I've never been the one making all the decisions like what defense to play. I've also never had set plays or anything like that in basketball so that will be something I'll have to develop. I'll have to come up with a philosophy on those types of things. It will probably take me a while to learn all that stuff but I'm excited to give it a try and see how things go.
I know you will be an amazing coach! So try not to stress about it too much! You will be awesome and those kids will look up to you! :)
I'm sure you will be a great coach and one that is encouraging. You are good at that. It is hard to find that middle ground with being competitive. I find myself not knowing how much is safe so that people don't think you are a huge jerk if you are too into the game. Anyway, you will be good.
Sven coached football at Davis High for a couple of years and he loved seeing the kids outside of school and having them come up and say hi
I love your title page pic. It's precious!
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