While I was serving my mission in Seattle Washington I saw a lot of really cool stuff. I rode around in a very old Model T. Ford that belonged to a member of the ward I was serving in. I walked around in the neighborhood where Bill Gates lived. All the houses had gates and some even had guards standing out front at all hours of the day and night.
There are other cool things I saw and did but that's not what this post is about. This post is about..... the MAN FRIDGE! I'm sure many of you are starting to think about what a "Man Fridge" could be. Well I'm going to tell you.
Me and some other missionaries in my area were asked to do a service project for some members in our zone. This guy honestly had a mountain of dirt on his front driveway. He had a big back yard that needed to be covered evenly with this dirt so he could reseed his lawn. This backyard was reletively flat, but around the outside edge it was steep. The only way to get that dirt to the back was to take it one wheel barrow at a time! So we had people load it, and others wheel it back and dump it. Then another group of people spread it around the back lawn. It was kinda fun at first, but a few hours into it I was feeling so tired. We were all worn out but had to keep going to get it done. The only thing that got me through this ordeal was the MAN FRIDGE!
About an hour into this project the owner of the house stopped us and took us into his garage. He opened up this fridge to show us the glory inside. This fridge LITERALLY had every drink you could imagine. You name a drink and he had it in that fridge. A&W Cream soda in a bottle, Jones soda, Any kind of Coke or Pepsi product in a can, expensive brands of soda in bottles. The entire fridge was full of nothing but drinks. No food, no vegies, and no leftovers. This guy had dubbed it "The Man Fridge." I imediately thought to myself... "I WILL have a man fridge someday." The freezer section had man treats in it. Fat boyz, Ice creams, drumsticks, and any other frozen dessert you can think of.
So now it's been about 4-5 years since I first laid eyes on that fridge and the dream is still alive. I WILL have a man fridge. I have talked to Alyssa and she's on board with the idea (in theory). One day you'll all come to my house to watch a game and you'll help yourself to the Man Fridge. It'll bring joy to your hearts!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Last night I got the amazing pleasure of going with my mom and sister to WICKED!! And all I know is that is was AMAZING!! I went to the show not knowing a thing about it except that there was a witch! Well I was pleasantly surprised to find out what it really was about! I got the pleasure of going with my mother, sister, her friend Lisa, and my friend Angie. We had a few others from work that came with us as well. We met my friend in Bountiful and ate at FIVE GUYS and it was quite delicious! We went early and got a few pictures inside the Capitol Theatre and my mom got to buy the cd. After the show was over we went to the alley and waited to see if we could catch any of the stars of the show.. unfortunately we took too long to get down there so we missed almost all of the stars but we did get a picture with Glinda the good witch, and the Wonderful Wizard of OZ. We were hoping to get a picture with the cute Boq and Elphaba but missed them! Danget! But we got those two pictures and I got an autograph of Glinda (Katie Clarke).. she was very pretty in the show, but she was gorgeous without that makeup and stuff on!
So that was our wonderful night in a flash. We had an amazing time and I would seriously recommend that show to everyone! I'm not going to go into detail what was so amazing because I absolutely loved it going into it not knowing anything.. so I say, don't try to figure stuff out.. just go and learn it there! But GO SEE IT!!

Glinda's autograph on my program! (Katie Clarke)

Angela, Megan, Katie(Glinda), Me, and Lisa outside the Capitol Theatre.

Angela, Lisa, Megan, Me, Lenny Wolfe(Wizard of Oz),and one of the citizens of Oz.

Angela, Me, Megan, and Lisa outside the theatre.

Megan and I by the Wicked Poster.

Megan and I inside the theatre, the stage is behind us.

Angela and I before we went in.

Megan and I before we went in.

Lisa, Megan, me, and Angela getting ready to go find our seats!
Unfortunately I didn't have any time after work to dress up.. so jeans it was!
So that was our wonderful night in a flash. We had an amazing time and I would seriously recommend that show to everyone! I'm not going to go into detail what was so amazing because I absolutely loved it going into it not knowing anything.. so I say, don't try to figure stuff out.. just go and learn it there! But GO SEE IT!!

Glinda's autograph on my program! (Katie Clarke)

Angela, Megan, Katie(Glinda), Me, and Lisa outside the Capitol Theatre.

Angela, Lisa, Megan, Me, Lenny Wolfe(Wizard of Oz),and one of the citizens of Oz.

Angela, Me, Megan, and Lisa outside the theatre.

Megan and I by the Wicked Poster.

Megan and I inside the theatre, the stage is behind us.

Angela and I before we went in.

Megan and I before we went in.

Lisa, Megan, me, and Angela getting ready to go find our seats!
Unfortunately I didn't have any time after work to dress up.. so jeans it was!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Steven!
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Stevie!! Happy Birthday to you!!
Have an awesome birthday today sweetie! The big 25! Thanks for lowering our car insurance!! :) And for everything else! Love you!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Our Anniversary weekend.

We had a nice weekend celebrating our three year anniversary! On Tuesday we got to go to Maddox and have a delicious dinner! Yumm.. It was extremely good! And of course we got our usual Turkey Steaks, which were better then I had remembered!

On Saturday Steven took the whole day off and we got to sleep in! Nothing is better then sleeping in! Then we headed out to SLC, walked around the Gateway Mall, headed to the Sandy Mall, and then to the ReAL SL game in Sandy! It was freezing!! The game was a blast and we got a decent seat! It was really really rainy, but after half time it stopped. We had a lot of fun even though it was raining! And it was an awesome game!

We put 20 oz pop in our hoods to sneak in! Worked well!
After the game we went to Rodizio Grill.. it was DELICIOUS! We ate too much, too fast! Steven and I did try a chicken heart while we were there.. man was it gross, and chewy! But at least we can say we tried it! ha ha.
Well that was our anniversary weekend in a blink of an eye. We had a lot of fun and even managed to make it home to watch the Jazz game.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Happy 3 Years baby!!

Today three years ago marked the best decision I have ever made! I decided to marry my dream man, the man that will be the best father and husband in the world, and the man that I would share time and all eternity with! On April 7, 2006 Steven and I got married! I can not believe how fast these three years have gone! I look back and it seems like just yesterday we were planning our wedding!
For those of you who don't know.. this is how our lives started.. Steven and I met off of myspace, we had been talking back and forth for a few days and decided to meet. He came up to my house and sat in the hot tub and we talked. Of course there is more to this story then just this, but I will just tell you the short version! Two weeks after I met him I knew I was going to marry him! Yes, it sounds crazy, but I knew with my whole heart! Two months after our first date Steven proposed to me outside of the Salt Lake temple, it was beautiful! Everything was perfect! Three months after that we got married at Ivy Lane in Ogden. We had a beautiful wedding and loved every minute of it! For our Honeymoon we got to go to Hawaii which was the best time ever! A year later we got the pleasure to get sealed in the temple for time and all eternity and that was THE best experience we have ever got to do! I am so grateful that we could go through the temple, even if it took us a year! Now we are here, three years later and as happy as ever! I can not imagine my life without him, he is my rock, my heart, my everything! I truly believe that I got the best husband in the world! Thank you Steven for making me a better person and helping me realize that I can have everything I dreamed and more!

Steven and I on our wedding day! Isn't he handsome!
Steven and I in Hawaii with our awesome tour guide!

Steven and I after getting sealed! April 7, 2007!

Our two year anniversary! (Last year on the cruise!)
I just wanted to post something special letting him know how special he is and how much I love him! Happy 3 years.. and many more to come! :) xoxoxoxo
And for everyone else.. there are two other posts from earlier this week.. don't forget to check the other ones out!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I really enjoyed reading Casandra's post about herself. I thought it would be fun to post 50 things about myself.
1- I can't stand an adult tattle tail. I have no patience for full grown people acting like they're in first grade. 2- I don't like cake. Especially the store bought kind with 6 layers of gross frosting. The only cake I do like is white/yellow cake with chocolate frosting. Home made. 3- Some people think I'm a hypocondriac, but I just like to get a laugh out of people by coming up with different diseases and ailments. Right now I still have testicle cancer, narcolepsy, spina bifita, and carple tunnel syndrome. The problem with this is that nobody believes me when I have a real injury or sickness. 4- I have a strong fear of going bald. I guess it won't really matter if I do lose my hair, but I'd like to keep it as long as possible. 5- I prefer girls/women to have long hair (at least shoulder length). 6- I love wild amusment park rides. Six flags is heaven. 7- I didn't get to play high school sports because of a heart condition... and I'm STILL bitter about it. 8- I wish I could play a guitar & piano really well. I know some day I'll learn how to play them both. 9- I'm no longer a picky eater. I can pretty much eat anything put in front of me. 10- I hate shaving! 11- I've often wanted to try stand up comedy. I think I have a certain randomness that many people would find funny. 12- I had a reoccuring dream for years, and I found myself in the exact place I had dreamed about for years. 13- Turkey Steak is my favorite food. 14- I can't stand country music. 15- I have a nervous habit of biting my finger nails. Jazz games and intense movies are a problem. 16- I am one of the poor souls that enjoys reality T.V. 17- I get cold very easily and it takes forever to warm back up. I can stand in a hot shower for 10 minutes and still have goosebumps when I get out. 18- I don't like water. I have to drink Gatorade or Powerade to play sports, and I have to drink Soda or Lemondade when I go out to eat somewhere. Water just doesn't cut it. 19- I am NOT a capable hadyman. If something needs fixing, I usually can't fix it myself. 20- Summer is by far my favorite season. 21- Winter is my least favorite.
22- I own a speedo and wear it a few times a year (against Alyssa's wishes ;o). 23- Comedies are my favorite kind of movie but I feel like classic comedies are dying off. It seems like film makers just try to push the envelope of what's appropriate rather than making quality movies. 24- I love my wife Alyssa and don't know what I'd do without her. 25- I like to cook sometimes. 26- I am HORRIBLE at wrapping gifts. It's gotten to the point that I just use bags now. I rarely attempt to wrap gifts anymore. 27- I enjoy golfing, but I'm not very good at it (not many people are). 28- Cigarette smoke makes me nautious. 29- I am content doing nothing at all for long periods of time. 30- I think leather jackets look stupid. 31- I won about $50 the one and only time I have ever gambled at a casino. 32- I love to wear hats but I have to leave the bill straight or I get a headache. 33- I'm scared of small children. 34- I once broke my hand punching another kid in the face. 35- I don't really like having conversations with people I don't know. I know this sounds weird but I hate having to act interested in something I'm not. This doesn't mean I never enjoy talking with people, because I like talking with family and friends. I like talking about things I'm interested in. I just don't care for forced conversation. (hard to explain that one I guess) 36- I love taking baths, but rarely fit in any tub so I can't usually take a bath. 37- I have a fear of bad breath so I typically chew about 10 peices of gum a day. If I think I have bad breath I will never talk towards another person. 38- I like to run. 39- I am terified of snakes. 40- I have become a light sleeper. I have to check the door locks personally and make sure the stove is turned off before I can fall asleep. 41- I feel like I can get along with almost anybody. 42- I hate to lose at anything. 43- I freeze up on tests. I could study for days and still second guess my answers.
44- I still enjoy watching the old Tom and Jerry cartoons. 45- I believe most people are bad drivers. 46- I believe I am a very good driver. 47- I would never want to move outside of Utah for any reason. I love the four seasons and the pretty mountains. 48- I don't like how scrawny I am. 49- I love seeing animals out in the wild (except for snakes). 50- I had my tonsils out last year and it was one of the worst experiences of my life.
1- I can't stand an adult tattle tail. I have no patience for full grown people acting like they're in first grade. 2- I don't like cake. Especially the store bought kind with 6 layers of gross frosting. The only cake I do like is white/yellow cake with chocolate frosting. Home made. 3- Some people think I'm a hypocondriac, but I just like to get a laugh out of people by coming up with different diseases and ailments. Right now I still have testicle cancer, narcolepsy, spina bifita, and carple tunnel syndrome. The problem with this is that nobody believes me when I have a real injury or sickness. 4- I have a strong fear of going bald. I guess it won't really matter if I do lose my hair, but I'd like to keep it as long as possible. 5- I prefer girls/women to have long hair (at least shoulder length). 6- I love wild amusment park rides. Six flags is heaven. 7- I didn't get to play high school sports because of a heart condition... and I'm STILL bitter about it. 8- I wish I could play a guitar & piano really well. I know some day I'll learn how to play them both. 9- I'm no longer a picky eater. I can pretty much eat anything put in front of me. 10- I hate shaving! 11- I've often wanted to try stand up comedy. I think I have a certain randomness that many people would find funny. 12- I had a reoccuring dream for years, and I found myself in the exact place I had dreamed about for years. 13- Turkey Steak is my favorite food. 14- I can't stand country music. 15- I have a nervous habit of biting my finger nails. Jazz games and intense movies are a problem. 16- I am one of the poor souls that enjoys reality T.V. 17- I get cold very easily and it takes forever to warm back up. I can stand in a hot shower for 10 minutes and still have goosebumps when I get out. 18- I don't like water. I have to drink Gatorade or Powerade to play sports, and I have to drink Soda or Lemondade when I go out to eat somewhere. Water just doesn't cut it. 19- I am NOT a capable hadyman. If something needs fixing, I usually can't fix it myself. 20- Summer is by far my favorite season. 21- Winter is my least favorite.
22- I own a speedo and wear it a few times a year (against Alyssa's wishes ;o). 23- Comedies are my favorite kind of movie but I feel like classic comedies are dying off. It seems like film makers just try to push the envelope of what's appropriate rather than making quality movies. 24- I love my wife Alyssa and don't know what I'd do without her. 25- I like to cook sometimes. 26- I am HORRIBLE at wrapping gifts. It's gotten to the point that I just use bags now. I rarely attempt to wrap gifts anymore. 27- I enjoy golfing, but I'm not very good at it (not many people are). 28- Cigarette smoke makes me nautious. 29- I am content doing nothing at all for long periods of time. 30- I think leather jackets look stupid. 31- I won about $50 the one and only time I have ever gambled at a casino. 32- I love to wear hats but I have to leave the bill straight or I get a headache. 33- I'm scared of small children. 34- I once broke my hand punching another kid in the face. 35- I don't really like having conversations with people I don't know. I know this sounds weird but I hate having to act interested in something I'm not. This doesn't mean I never enjoy talking with people, because I like talking with family and friends. I like talking about things I'm interested in. I just don't care for forced conversation. (hard to explain that one I guess) 36- I love taking baths, but rarely fit in any tub so I can't usually take a bath. 37- I have a fear of bad breath so I typically chew about 10 peices of gum a day. If I think I have bad breath I will never talk towards another person. 38- I like to run. 39- I am terified of snakes. 40- I have become a light sleeper. I have to check the door locks personally and make sure the stove is turned off before I can fall asleep. 41- I feel like I can get along with almost anybody. 42- I hate to lose at anything. 43- I freeze up on tests. I could study for days and still second guess my answers.
44- I still enjoy watching the old Tom and Jerry cartoons. 45- I believe most people are bad drivers. 46- I believe I am a very good driver. 47- I would never want to move outside of Utah for any reason. I love the four seasons and the pretty mountains. 48- I don't like how scrawny I am. 49- I love seeing animals out in the wild (except for snakes). 50- I had my tonsils out last year and it was one of the worst experiences of my life.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Jazz Game and Jaxson
Monday we got a chance to go to the Jazz game! On our normal years we usually go to quite a few games a year, but this year we seem to be out of it or something! Don't get me wrong.. we still go to plenty of games, just not as many as we are used to! So we were excited to go to the game on Monday! We got to go with my parents, sister Megan, and her "friend" Chris. It was a lot of fun.
Here are some pictures of us at the game. And of course we will be rooting on the Jazz tonight!! Hopefully they win! GO JAZZ!!
Steven being mad because I wouldn't let him take the picture. ha ha
Myself, my cute dad, and cute sister.
My mother and sister after the game.
My amazing sister Megan is a great photographer! She took Ryker's announcement pictures when he was born and they looked awesome, and now she did Jaxson's announcement pictures. Here are a few cute ones that my sister did. It's kind of funny because Laura (Jaxson's mom) went to go pick up the pictures Megan took and they made her sign this copyright thing because they said it looked too professional. I'm hoping my sister will take some cute pictures of Steven and I for our Anniversary which is next tuesday!! Anyway, here are the cute pictures of my adorable new nephew Jaxson Terry Shaw!

Here are some pictures of us at the game. And of course we will be rooting on the Jazz tonight!! Hopefully they win! GO JAZZ!!

My amazing sister Megan is a great photographer! She took Ryker's announcement pictures when he was born and they looked awesome, and now she did Jaxson's announcement pictures. Here are a few cute ones that my sister did. It's kind of funny because Laura (Jaxson's mom) went to go pick up the pictures Megan took and they made her sign this copyright thing because they said it looked too professional. I'm hoping my sister will take some cute pictures of Steven and I for our Anniversary which is next tuesday!! Anyway, here are the cute pictures of my adorable new nephew Jaxson Terry Shaw!

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