Friday, July 13, 2012

Korbin is two!!

Length: 36 5/8 in (100%)
Weight: 31 lbs 5 oz (85%)
Head circL 48.8 cm (55%)

 My big boy is offically two now! I feel like I need to stop blinking because next time I blink he will be 18 yrs old! Korbin is doing really well.. we are learning colors, numbers, and letters. He likes to say everything is blue before he even looks at it.  His ABC song is pretty cute as well. His favorite word the past few months is "No".. even if he means yes, its always a no.  He thinks it is quite hilarious when he says no. He is a dangerous kid who isnt scared of much except for showers, and the moving toys at the malls.. weird I know! He enjoys the thrill of fast things like slides and cars/bikes. He likes to jump not only on the ground but off the couch. He is starting to be able to help more with clothes and shoes and putting them on or taking them off. He is obsessed with milk!! He probably asks for milk 9 times a day (at least).. I have a hard time telling him no because it is such a good habit for him to have, so he almost always gets the milk. He is talking a lot more and loves to talk to strangers. He is a funny funny kid that always makes me laugh.  He loves being outside, he loves swimming, and he loves going on walks. He is a great sleeper at night and during nap time. 
Korb had a great birthday.. we started the day with a #2 pancake which was harder to make then I thought! Then after nap time we went to the splash pad to celebrate his day with family. He had a blast playing with his cousins! He got super spoiled by all his presents and yummy treats. We had to go get a free slurpee on his bday (7-11) and I hope to make it a tradition each year! That night he got to play with his toys and then go spend time with Grandma Rounds.
Here are some pictures of the past month:

Now for his bday pictures!


Casandra said...

I'm glad we could come. It really was fun to see your kiddos. Dalin thinks Korbin is his best friend. And everytime I go to the store they ask if we can buy something for baby Aubrey, or audrey as Braden says it.

Rachel said...

Time is going fast, hard to believe he is two already.

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