Friday, May 9, 2014

Bye bye Pregnancy!

So I have been trying to look back at my other pregnancy pictures to compare myself with each one but for some reason I can't find any of my pregnancy pictures with Korbin. This is one of the only set of pictures I could find that was similar in pregnancy weeks and of course I thought it was fun to see my sister in laws and myself with each pregnancy.
 Anyway.. today is the last day I will be pregnant and I am excited to be done. I have tried to take it all in knowing that I wont experience this again. This pregnancy has really treated me well. I had a few rough patches at random weeks like my nerve pain around 27 weeks and some major back pain here and there but really not too much to complain about. This pregnancy I was sick the least and I would say the middle trimester was also the best, sometimes I would forget I was pregnant except for the little pooch I had. This third trimester has had its ups and downs but mainly decent. My sleeping has been the worst this pregnancy, with my other two I never had a sleeping problem but with this pregnancy it takes me a good 1 hr or more to fall asleep because I cant seem to get comfortable and if I wake up in the middle of the night it will take me another hour after that to fall back asleep. I also never could sleep in (not that I really have the chance anyway). I haven't had any swelling that I have noticed, in fact I managed to wear my wedding ring the whole pregnancy..something I couldn't do with the other two. I have gained more weight with this baby but it hasn't been that much more. My rib pain is the same as with the other two babies. This baby constantly has hiccups.. like all the time! My other two kids had hiccups, but nothing compared to this little one. Last appt my doctor predicted the baby would be around 8lbs which is exactly what she said about Aubree, so we will see! My cravings have been similar this time.. watermelon, smoothies, shakes, fruit, chocolate, sour gummies, and cereal.
 So that is my pregnancy in a glance. I am very excited to not only be done with the pregnancy but to meet our little girl! We haven't had any good pictures of her so we have no idea what she is going to look like. Here is to hoping it all goes well and my next blog is pictures of our adorable chunker Casidy!
Pregnancy #1
Rachel, Leslee, and myself
Just a guess on weeks.. Rachel 26ish weeks, Leslee 34 weeks, myself 38 weeks
Pregnancy #2
Myself (37 weeks) and Leslee (24 weeks)
Pregnancy #3
Leslee (31 weeks ), Myself (38 weeks)
~~Sorry if I slaughtered the pregnancy weeks Leslee and Rachel!~~

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