Friday, July 25, 2008
Tag.. You're it!
Here's how you do it
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Our wanna be garden!
Here are my wonderful tomatoes..

The Orange Peppers.. or should I say the one yellow-ish green pepper! Pretty sad.. I know

Our watermelon plant.. yes, I zoomed in very much.. it's like the size of my palm.. ha ha.. I dont think we will be getting any watermelon!

Friday, July 18, 2008
No Fun, No Fun!
Anyway, thursday I was back up to par, just extremely embarrassed to come back to work.. I wanted to forget it! But nope.. no one let me forget it.. everyone asked how I was and if I was okay.. even people over on the other side (Jail) came over and asked how I was.. so that was nice.. I just kinda wanted to forget it ever happened! So moral of the story.. if your going to give blood.. make sure and eat plenty BEFORE you go give blood, or it will mess you up! Lets just say I prob wont be getting extra vacation time anytime soon!
Tonight we are going to go see Batman- Dark Knight!! We are sooo soo excited! Yeah! We are going to a late one, and its 2 1/2 hours long, but Im thinking it will be soo good that I will forget how late it is! That is about it for this weekend for us.. just some relaxin and having some fun.. and no passing out!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Crazy Pictures!
But we are pretty silly as you can see!
Monday, July 14, 2008
100 lbs lifted off my shoulders!
Well the past week has been really nice! I got to go to my nephew Ryker and niece Kyla's birthday parties.. they were fun and it was nice to see the families. Steven and I got to go to the Drive In Friday night.. I was totally excited! We put the cuddle bag in the back of the truck and we were on our way! It was nice and comfy! Hopefully we will go to a few more before the summer is over! On Sunday we went to the pops.. it was really nice and relaxing! We just drove our scooter right up and sat in the shady soccer field.. I have a few pictures so maybe Ill post them tomorrow. My mom and dad and sister came. And then my In-laws came over and joined us.. so it was fun! We played a few games, ate snacks, and watched fireworks!
And now its Monday.. Monday's truly are the worst day of the week! But its almost over and the week should fly by! I checked on my garden today.. as of today I have 19 tomatoes.. not bad, but not good.. and only one poor little pepper.. it doesn't seem to be getting any bigger. My cucumber plants are doing pretty well.. they are growing and growing! Everything else is just kinda there.. Maybe I don't have a green thumb after all! Oh well! It's fun to do anyway!
Well last Tuesday one of the Bishopric came over and informed us that we had to speak on Sunday.. so I basically just ignored that fact until Saturday night. Steven wouldn't write my talk so I had to do it all by myself! Sad.. and sadly enough.. my talk lasted prob 8 mins.. lol. that will show Steven to write my talk next time! But he did good and filled up the rest of the time for us. All I know is that I'm glad its over! Woh.. I really don't like speaking!
Well this week BATMAN comes out!! Oh man are we are excited!!!!!!! I think I will just go buy our movie tickets in the next day or two.. so if anyone wants to come with us Friday night, let me know and Ill get ya some tickets! Well I think that is about it! Hopefully I will have a few pictures to post tomorrow.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Happy July! I love Summer!
Well this past week was a lot of fun! We spent a lot of time with our families and it was nice. On thursday night we got to go to the ReAl SLC soccer game, we went with my parents, Megan, and Rachel (who you see in the picture above). We had tons of fun and after the game we got to go down on the field and watch the fireworks! I was so excited! It was so cool to go down on the field and see what the players see! On friday (4th of July) my family went down to Megan's place in Orem. It was my first time seeing her new place and it was really nice! Then we headed to the Stadium of Fire! The video was taken from that (if it works!) It was pretty awesome! Miley Cyrus sucked and there was soo many little girls screaming and so excited that she was there.. all I know is that I was sure excited when Miley was done! Oh and the blueman group was there and it was awesome! I want to go see them in a full concert one day! But the fireworks were AMAZING!! It went on for probably an hour and it was a nonstop finale! Crazy! Saturday I got to spend the day with my mom, grandma, and sister in Orem. We went to the mall and ate at Noodles and Company (delicious!) and then I came home, went swimming in the pool, then went to Wise guys! So we had a packed weekend! Also on Sunday we went to a family friends house (our cruisin buddies) and saw their new baby fainting goats. They were soo cute!! We also had a bbq and got to play lots of fun games! We all had a blast! And now its Monday and things are slowly settling down again, unfortunately! We dont have much planned for this week, we wanna try to hit a drive in, but we will see! And of course we will be partying for Ryker's 2nd Birthday! Yeah!!
Our garden is doing okay.. I keep thinking that its doing really well.. but then I see other people's garden and it makes me a lil sad! But the good news is that I do have about 12 tomatoes now! Yeah!! My Cucumber plants are looking pretty good, they are getting pretty big, Im way excited about those! And of course the watermelon and cantelope are in question if they will even attempt to grow anything.. so we are just keeping our fingers crossed!
We finally got our back porch cemented.. it only took a year and a half! But it is nice! We are still waiting on our CAAP test results and Steven and I are both convinced that we didnt pass all of it.. but I am going to keep my fingers crossed that we did pass it! Oh, that would be such a huge relief! So we will prob find out next week sometime! Well.. thats it for now! I hope I didnt bore you too much!