Sunday, January 25, 2009

I am stressed!

So I haven't blogged too much lately because 1. We haven't really done too much worth blogging and 2. We have been really busy with work and school. Unfortunately those are what makes my life stressful right now. I am the type of person that loves to go out and do things, so being stuck at my job and at school all day everyday is not my ideal situation. Don't get me wrong.. We still go out and do fun things, but we don't get a chance to do too much while we are in school. I have to force myself to look ahead at my future to get me through the week. School is really stressful this semester as well as my job. I am going to school full time and the first day of school I found out that I have to do labs in 2 out of 4 of my classes. The labs are down in the Children's school in the Education building. Frankly I was excited to hear that I finally get to go play with kids (my dream!).. but the thing that sucks is that I am down in that school for 5 hours on tuesdays and then I have to make up those work hours at different times. So now I go to work at 7am every morning and work until 5:30 every night, just to come home and do homework, make dinner, and try to keep the house semi clean. I look forward to my tuesdays because playing with those kids makes my week. I love them already and I have only got to teach them for 2 weeks. It is probably the most fulfilling thing I have ever done. Then there is work... I got transferred in October to the Kiesel Jail. I was not too happy about the move and now that it has been 3 months.. I am still not happy. I dont really like my job there, and I dont have any really good friends there.. so it makes for a long work day. I am sad that I got moved over there without a choice and I miss all my friends over at the Sheriffs office.
The one other thing that stresses me out is my problem with trying to please everyone at all times. This week is a huge example of that. I feel like I am someone that people can rely on. I am not the type to cancel on anyone unless there is an extremely good reason, so I feel like that is something positive I have about me, and I am very proud of that. So this week I let some people down.. not because I personally did or didn't do something, but because everyone wants me to be everywhere all the time. I can not clone myself and give myself out to everyone, I go where I made plans and I live with the decision. I dont really want to go off on this too much because frankly, I am just a little mad about it. But just know.. if I make plans, that is what I am doing. So Im sorry to anyone that feels like I am not around enough, and hopefully one day you will understand that I am trying to do everything that I can.
Okay, I feel a little better now!
For those of you that dont know.. I have changed my major. It isn't a huge change, but I changed it from Early Childhood Education to just Early Childhood with a concentration on Education. So this means for me basically that I will be done 2 years sooner.. yes I am serious, and not exaggerating.. 2 years sooner! Which makes me extremely excited! If everything goes well.. I will graduate May 2010!! Yeah!! I am hoping to Student teach next semester, and I do have to go to summer school this summer, but I think it will be well worth it! The only bad thing about changing to this major is that I have less of a chance of getting a Kindergarten job.. It might be harder for me to get in, but once I do they will pay for me to finish my teaching degree. But also, they have a major shortage of Kindergarten teachers, and my father in law is the best principal around.. so everyone seems to think I wont have a problem at all. And for what I want right now, I feel like this is a good decision.
So that is my life right now! I hope everyone is doing well and having a nice new year!


Rants Of Rian said...

Cute cute new blog design Lady. I love it.
And relax Lyss. Things will get easier. You should be so Proud of yourself! You are working hard for your future..:)
Love your face
Miss your guts

Rachel said...

I am glad that you figured out that new plan for school, that will help out lots. Just hang in there. Everyday you are making progress toward the end. And on the days you are having a hard time, you can kick our butts at Dominion or infuriate me at Bunnies :) and all will be well again. ;) Hang in there.

Kariann said...

I'm sorry you're so stressed!! It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel sometimes...but you're awesome! You're doing way more I think I could!! As I've always been told...This to shall pass.... :)

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