I have read enough from other bloggers to realize that I don't need some major event to write something on here. So I'm just gonna start writing about random topics from time to time. Often times I ask Alyssa some weird questions. She looks back at me with a puzzled look. You know.... that "What the Hell are you talking about" look. So I thought I'd put a couple of those random questions down.
Why isn't a bologna sandwich not called a bologna and cheese sandwich? Think about it! Ham & Cheese, BLT..... why is the bologna so special that is gets it's own title. It ain't right. Besides bologna tastes like an armpit.
Why don't they make cars specifically for midgets! Just a mini version of a car or truck that midgets can drive with comfort. Instead they gotta drive around with a booster seat. Don't tell me they couldn't do it though. Those stupid Europeans all drive in ridiculously small cars already.
Speaking of midgets... why do midgets ALWAYS drive in massive trucks! If you even get a chance to see what kinda vehicle a midget drives I'd advise you to do it. I'd bet my face that they get into a LARGE truck. I guess they don't want midget cars.
What if someone had two left feet... literally! How would they buy their shoes? Would they have to pay for two pairs and throw the right foot shoes away?
Drew Barrymore is dumb!
Why do they refer to a Platypus as a "Duck-billed platypus?" Is it part duck or something? I get it, the bill kinda looks like ducks bill, but come one. The Platypus should be distinct. Maybe the Platypus came first who knows? Maybe the duck should be called a "Platypus-billed duck."
Do scientists REALLY know how old stuff is? I call B.S. on most scientific research and all their fancy smancy formulas! Don't tell me the oldest rock on earth is 30 million years old. The planet is a massive ball of rocks isn't it. How can certain rocks be so much older than all the others? Unless the planet has been growing for millions of years I call B.S.
Why do parents think putting an "i or y" in a name automatically changed the name to a girl's name. Ryan---RIan Jordan--JordYn Steve--StevIe Randy--RandI Devin--DevYn! This name stealing has got to stop before we guys have nothing left.
How come my nose is so big?
If the double left footed guy tried to run would he just go in circles? I'm sure he could go straight with some practice but it's always gonna look funny.
Now I'm gonna be up all night thinking about this stuff!!!
Wow these are all quite pondersome questions. I must say that the thing that stood out to me the most is Drew Barrymore is dumb. She is dumb. REALLY REALLY dumb. And I like bologna but I don't like armpits... does that mean it still tastes like it???
See.. the thing is.. Steven really does stay up all night thinking about this stuff.. It is true.. I do look at him like he is ridiculous sometimes.. these questions are just silly, but I admit.. I did get a good laugh out of them!
And babe.. your nose is perfect! :) Love you, and nice blog!
Steven, you are hilarious. Bologna is nasty, so it doesn't matter what people call the sandwich, they just shouldn't be eating it in the first place. And I don't know how midgets drive. Are there pedals by their arms or something because a booster seat wouldn't help them reach the pedals?
You're so weird!
Seriously some of the most random subjects I've ever read. LOVE IT. Keep posting the randomness Steven!
OK. I've given these topics a lot of thought and this is what I've come up with:
The cheese asked to be left out of the title of the sandwich because it's embarassed to be connected with something that tastes like armpit.
Although he is not a midget, my father-in-law owns a ridiculously small truck and it is certainly midget sized.
It's called 'little-man's disease'. They are trying to compensate.
I concur.
Duck-billed platypus is redundant. I'm not sure they really exsist anyway...
The. Earth. Is. Old. End of story. :)
LOL! You know you'll name your first daughter Charley!
You're assuming that because the guy has two left feet that he doesn't also have a right.... Maybe he's the three legged man!
There. Now you can sleep easy :)
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