Well I am officially 38 weeks pregnant and I can definitely tell! These pictures were taken at 37 weeks, I will have to make sure and get a few more picures before she is here so we can all see how big I have gotten. My last appt was on Monday and it went well. I hadn't gained any weight from the two weeks before that..so that is good. Aubree went from 6lbs to about 7lbs 5 oz.. once again, this is just a pure guess by the dr. I was dialated to a "1 plus" as she calls it.. not sure what exactly that means, but that isnt near as dialated as I was hoping! She asked if I had any questions and Im sure she wasn't shocked to hear me ask when I can have this baby! She quickly replied with "How does May 5th sound?".. I said PERFECT! So I was finally able to start a countdown and actually have an idea of when she will come. The doctor usually lets people go early but I didn't want to get my hopes up if it wasnt true. Now I am happy to say that it is just a few days away.
Things have been going just fine. I really cant complain about much (even though I do!).. my pregnancy has treated me about as good as it could, but I still think it sucks even when its great! My ribs are the constant pain and I always find myself wishing I could rip out a few of them so I wont have that constant pain. I am sleeping okay but I can tell I am hitting the last few weeks because it is harder to do everything. Bending over is not possible.. luckily I have a good little boy that is usually willing to pick things up for me. Aubree gets hiccups all the time.. at least 3 times a day and the last one always starts as I am laying in bed trying to fall asleep. She is super active and she is getting so big now that I can tell it's a foot buldging from my belly.
We are about ready now.. still a few things left to do but mostly ready. My sister is throwing me a shower today to help us get the last few things we need, so that will be really nice! I have been able to stock up on formula for the past few months and I am actually impressed with myself by how much I have! I have a good 18+ liquid bottles and about 8 powder formulas.. (thanks Rachel!) So that will help a lot!
So anyway, next Saturday will be the day! I am anxious, scared, nervous, excited, and ready! It's definitely a different feeling the second time because you know what to expect, but I am hoping she is ready to come so I dont have another 15 hr labor. Either way we will be happy to meet our new little one.
Good luck with eveything. I'm going to have to come and steal her for a few hours.
You are SO almost there. Hang in there and try to enjoy these last few moments with Korbin before he is no longer the only child. :)
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