Well as of today at 1:00pm, it has officially been one week since Steven got his tonsils out. It has been a little worse then the last time I blogged. Go figure the first day that I got back to work was the worst day for him!! And now that I am back to work, it doesnt seem to be getting any better. He says it is worse these past few days then it has been all together. I'm kinda sad that I cant stay home the rest of time to take care of him. So hopefully today he will start to feel a little better. I think he is about done with being sick and not being able to do the stuff he wants to. The medicine makes him really tired and dizy when he gets up, so he doesn't have much energy for a lot of things. He has been a very good paitent.. so that's good. He even ordered me my favorite pizza yesterday and had it delivered to my work for my lunch! :) That was pretty nice!
Other then that, not much has been going on.. our garden is slowly but surely growing. I was extremely excited to see that I had some sprouts yesterday from my lil cucumber seeds! Yeah!! Our cantelope plants aren't doing as well.. but now that we decided to start watering them (lol) they are doing A LOT better! We only have one pepper growing, but its getting pretty big! Our tomatoes are slowly getting bigger and we are finally getting some flowers, which is very good news!! So hopefully we will be getting some lil tomatoes in the next little while. And sadly our watermelon seeds haven't shown any signs of improvement. But there is still hope!!
My nursery calling has been nice. I have only been once since it was stake conference, but it was a lot of fun. It seems like there might be almost too many workers in there. There is about 10-15 kids and there was 6 workers.. Im not sure how many actually are called into the nursery and how many are just coming in to help, but Im sure Ill find out soon enough. But it is lots of fun!
Oh and Steven and my CAAP test is Saturday morning for FOUR HOURS!! Ahhh!! Its like the ACT all over again!! I am sooooo not excited!! Im sure Steven isn't either. For those of you that dont know what the CAAP test is.. its the general test that you have to take to get into the Teaching program. You have to pass Reading, Math, Essay, and one more I cant remember. If you pass then you are one step closer to getting into the program.. if not.. then you have to retake the area's that you didnt pass. I am pretty scared about it because well I just dont do well on any type of tests!! I hope that we both pass it!! So cross your fingers! If we pass it then we will aim for applying and interviews around September-ish, then if all goes well Steven and I will both be in the program in January of 09!
Well I think I have talked long enough! I hope I didn't bore you too much!
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