Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Position...

Well let me just start from the very beginning and let you know where I work and what things I do.. I got hired on with the Weber County Jail in May 06. I worked in property which meant that I had to give inmates their jail clothes and take their personal clothes, and I also had to change out inmates dirty clothes.. that basically sucked, but it was a starting place. I worked there for over a year. Then I got transfered to the Sheriff's side. (which is what I am currently) I got moved over there last October. I deal with civil stuff like Summons and Complaint, Evictions, Small Claims, etc. I also specialize in Protective Order/Exparte Orders and also Subpoena's and I do Garnishments as well. I feel like I am pretty amazing at what I do and I know it like the back of my hand. "My officer" is very happy with my work and it makes me feel needed. So that is what I have been doing the past year. I have made many good friends and I have made a few enemies, but all in all.. it has been a good experience. I have been spoiled to have my mom and dad there working as well, so it gives me a chance to see my parents every day.
Well my boss took me into his office today and informed me that I am getting moved to a different job.. which gave me mixed feelings.. then he informed me that I will be moving to Kiesel. For those of you that dont know.. Kiesel is our county's work release jail.. Most these inmates work in the day and report back every night. It is more relaxed for the inmates and most of the time the inmates didn't do too bad of a crime. Anyway.. this place is located on 26th and Washington just behind the city building. So my boss informed me that as of Oct 31 (yes Halloween) I will be working there. Wow.. way to give me some notice!!
So now I have mixed feelings.. I am happy, sad, excited, nervous, scared, relieved, and pretty much every other feeling. I dont like to be new.. and I hate not knowing how to do things.. so that is what makes me a little hesitant. (of course I dont have a choice) Everyone is telling me how much I will like it there and how much less stressful it will be, but I wont be convinced until I go. I just hope they are nice there and will work with my school schedule cause its pretty crazy!
So I guess I will keep you updated on how it goes. I go in this friday and start training, maybe I will get a better idea by then!

1 comment:

Heidi Marie said...

AH! Holy moly - no kidding about getting a new job with like, NO NOTICE! Congrats on the new job, but that stinks about not seeing your fam every day.

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