Friday, October 3, 2008

This is Steven...
I was covering at the America First WalMart branch a few Mondays ago and the girls there were all looking at Blogs and they asked if I had one. I called Alyssa to ask what our blog address was so they could see some pictures of her. America First is pretty gay with internet access. The only things I have access to is America First pages,,,, and SOMETIMES Weber State. It's helpful when I can check Weber State stuff online but it's really a hit and miss thing. Anyway... I have been reading posts from people and it's been fun. Then I thought "this is my blog too, so I'm gonna write on it from time to time." So here I am. I have decided that I'm going to write in bold letters and that's how you'll know it's me writing rather than Alyssa.
Some people may think it's pretty gay for a guy to write on a blog but I've always been partial to Internet stuff. Most husband's have no clue that these blogs even exist, and if they do they don't care. I used to chat with friends, and I've got the Myspace thing (even though nobody really talks to me on there anymore). So it's fun for me.
I keep getting interupted with work! These posts will probably be pretty scattered but oh well.
I'm realizing that Fall is good and bad. For example: The NFL and NBA seasons both start in the fall and that's awesome. The bad part is that school starts too... and the fact that school demands so much attention means that I'm missing the NFL and NBA games that are on. Not so much NFL but you get the point.
Another positive to fall is the great weather. Except that it's too cold in the morning, and too warm in the afternoon. I just can't seem to get a comfortable temperature for some reason.
We have a few things coming up that I'm really looking forward to. RSL is playing their first game EVER at the Rio Tinto stadium on October 9th. I'm so excited for that i could soil myself just thinking about it. Then just three weeks later the Jazz season will start. Alyssa and I called DISH network last night to see how much it would cost to upgrade to a package that gets FSN. We found out that it's only $5 more a month so that was a happy day. I was really getting worried because our old package didn't get FSN games and 60/82 games will be on FSN. I braved last season without FSN but I can't in good conscience do it again. We also got a channel that Alyssa really likes so it's a plus for both of us. Her channel has "Who's Line is it anyway" and that's a good show.
Ryanachel's Halloween party is coming up soon too and I'm looking to redeem my agonizing triple over time defeat in the Cauldron toss!! I just hope Ryan and Rachel don't get too much practice time in because that would be an advantage. I guess either way I'm not going to be denied this time around. BOO YA!!
Well I've realy just been rambling for half the day now so I should probably stop.


Lettie B. said...

Steven, I am glad you posted. I know a couple of guys who do (and their wives) and it is always nice to "hear" both voices.
Careful writing about work, by the way. People have gotten fired before for saying less than kind things about their work/fellow employees - even when not actually named by name.
So sad you lost the cauldron toss...You know, the trophy has looked really nice on my nightstand these last 11 months!

Casandra said...

Wow, you're writing. I think it's a great idea that both of you write. It's great to hear from both of you, even though Alyssa always talks about you in her posts. It's not the same, I guess. I don't think Dan has ever even looked at our blog.

Heidi Marie said...

HOORAY! A boy blogger - good for you Steven:)

Rachel said...

So had I read the posts in order I wouldn't have been so confused when I read your Sports posting. Anyway, I think it is awesome that you are going to write on here too. -Even if Ryan doesn't read blogs (even ours) he still has to hear me tell him what they all say, so he basically reads them too. ;)

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