Friday, February 27, 2009

My work pet peeves!

So this week I have been soo annoyed by stupid people/inmates that I decided that I would make a list of some of the things that have been bothering me. For those of you that dont know.. I work at Weber County Jail (Kiesel facility dealing with accounting, billing, releasing, intaking money, answering phones, etc.) .. so.. I have come up with..
Alyssa's Pet Peeves at work!!
~I hate when people call and when I say "WEBER COUNTY JAIL" they continue to ask me who they called.
~I hate when people call to ask for a phone number and they make me wait because they dont have a pen or paper ready! I mean come on!!!
~I hate when people call or come up to my window and just start talking and expect me to know what inmate they are talking about!
~I hate when people stand in front of my window after I have told them to take a seat.
~I hate when people call me and claim they just talked to me.. "I just talked to you and you said this.." Uh, no!! You didn't just talk to me!!
~I hate when people come to the window to put money on inmates accounts with change or come with money all crumbled in a ball! Can't you at least give me the money like a normal person would!?
~I hate how inmates or inmates families blame us for everything! I once heard that one of the inmates said it was the jail's fault that she was pregnant! ha ha.. you have got to be kidding me! So they continued to tell me that we needed to pay her medical bills!
~I hate when someone will call me and then ask if they can put me on hold. Hello?! Didn't you call me?!
~I hate when someone calls back numerous times (sometimes within minutes) and pretend that they are someone else, and continues to ask the same question as before! Like I am going to change my answer or something?!
~I hate when people come up to my window and are on their cell phone and then they expect me to help them! Wow.. it can't be that hard to say "Ill call you right back."
~I hate when people stand by my window when we are clearly closed.. I mean come on.. our blinds are down, that seems like a pretty good signal we are not open right?! I guess not!
~I hate when inmates expect us to do what they need right away, like we have nothing else to do! Usually I just take longer when they demand us to do it right away.
~ I hate when I tell someone that the property deputy wont be here until 12pm and then they come back the next day before 12! And once again, I tell them that the deputy is not here!

I thought it would be kinda fun to list some of these things.. Maybe now you can get a little more of an idea of what I do and what I deal with. I have many many more, but I wont bore you anymore! I would love to hear what you go through at work! Lets hear your pet peeves!!


Steven said...

We've all got those things at work that drive us crazy! Some of yours are similar to mine.

Kariann said...

I really had a good laugh over this!! I think my list may be much longer than yours though! lol Oh the joys of work and customer service!!

Jill said...

That really sucks. I have the same problem. You have probably talked to one of my family members multiple times (on one side of the family). My uncle has been in there many times (dad's side). He drives me nuts so I can understand that side completely!

Sara said...

Oh Alyssa! That list was too funny! I work at the hospital and so many of your pet peeves are our biggest pet peeves here too! It's depressing to know how many stupid people are in this world.

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