Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Birthday!

Well this might be post one of my birthday. I have been waiting to blog until I had a few pictures of my birthday.. but I have been soo busy that I havent had time to put the pictures on here. So I decided maybe I would update the blog and put pictures up another time! So that is what I am going to do. And hopefully I will have a few more pictures of things that are going on in my neck of the woods!

My birthday was really really nice! I think I have had like 5 mini parties and one more to come! I know, I am spoiled!! I ended up getting two parties at work, which was fun for me!! Two cakes and two cards! wahoo!! So I will post a picture of one of the cakes when Brittany sends me the picture! It was really cute! And at home.. of course we celebrate it on both sides.. So we had mine and my moms last sunday at my parents house, and this sunday will be for my birthday at Steven's parents. Oh and the sunday before that was for Steven's mom's. The birthdays go as follows.. Sylvia (Steven's Mom) Aug 20.. Alyson (my Mom) Aug 21... And ME! Aug 24! So as you can see.. it gets a little crazy! I also got to go to my favorite restaurant (Champi's Sports Grill) last Saturday and it was delicious! My whole family came and it was really nice! This Saturday I am going with Steven and my mom to Park City to go spend my birthday money!! I am way excited!! :) I always come back with cool stuff!

So I just wanted to say thanks for all the Birthday wishes and birthday presents from everyone! I love it all!! Thanks Thanks Thanks!!

Okay.. enough about my great birthday.. on to other things that aren't so exciting! School....... Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is it possible that I am already burned out and school started 4 days ago?! I am stressing.. tired.. exhausted.. confused.. worried.. rushed.. and everything else that goes along with school.. Already! Oh man.. Im screwed! So I just sat here at my desk and figured out how long it will take me to get through the Education Program. Ok.. so if I take classes during next summer and the summer after that.. I will be done in Fall of 2010. But that is like serious business.. no breaks. Oh and I figured out exactly how many classes you have to take for the program and it is 97 credit hours. No joke! Thats crap! So anyway.. Steven and I are handing in our applications on the 12th of September and hopefully get into the program in January! Steven's program is a lot shorter then mine!! Like A LOT shorter! I dont really understand why.. but oh well! For those of you who dont know.. he is going into Secondary Education and coaching. So yeah.. school sucks.. Im stressin.. and it dosent help that in two of my classes we already have to go to schools and teach.. WHAT?! IM NOT EVEN IN THE PROGRAM!! I dont know how I am ever going to find time to go do that.. and sadly this semester will be the easiest as for the program.. so Im freeking out a little bit!
Steven and I started a little account for when we are both student teaching.. so a certain amount goes in it each paycheck. So by the time we are student teaching, we are hoping that we wont have to work (its almost impossible to work and student teach)... so we have decided that is the best bet right now. We are trying to plan for the future... and all I want to do is get through the program because I want to have babies! So everyone cross their fingers for us that it works out good..


Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday to you!

Rachel said...

I hope you guys get in to the program so you can get this done with. It has been a long haul for us, 7 years! You don't want to go that route. Also, that is a great idea about saving some money now for when you student teach because it really is impossible to try and work at the same time. Good luck!!! Hang in there. :)

Natalie said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!!! Way to celebrate in style. Sounds like you are very loved!

Megan said...

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Lyssa! Happy Birthday to you!

Hang in there with the school thing and ENJOY YOUR TIME WITHOUT KIDS!!!

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