Well.. Thanksgiving was nice as usual.. yes, there was some interesting things that happened, but anytime with our families are set up for some type of interesting time! We got the chance to go to both families this year(and every year). We like it best this way so we get a chance to see both families on the holiday! Steven's families Thanksgiving was nice! His mom Sylvia made almost all of the dinner, and it was delicious! We got a chance to play some new fun games that his dad Randy buys every year.. and of course we got to have something crazy happen.. so Rachel took care of it this year.. She parked her car on top of the driveway(which is incredibly steep).. of course she parked on the semi flat area.. well when she got outside to leave, she noticed her car was gone.. well.. it kind of rolled down the driveway into the neighbors fence. Luckily they are laid back neighbors and seemed to think it was pretty entertaining. It took about 9 guys to get the car out of the fence area. Poor Rachel will never live this down and she didn't even do anything! Well here are a few pictures of the car.. Sorry Rache.. I just had to tell the story!

Rachel after the car got moved.. I think she is still shocked! Poor girl! :(

As for my family.. it went pretty normal.. I was feeling pretty sick by then and we have a few members of the family that talk REALLY really REALLY LOUD!! So it didn't help my sickness. But it was fun, I am pretty sad we didn't get in some Bingo games like we always do. We did however, go and see the movie Australia that night. It was really quite good. We all enjoyed it.. it was a very long movie! I was ready to pee my pants half way through the movie! haha..

Well today we got to put up our Christmas tree!! I have been sick and we had some other plans so we didn't take as much time doing it as we usually do, but I think it looks awesome! I love Christmas time! Nothing is better then sitting in the living room looking at the tree.. its kind of soothing to me!